A Vision Of Goodness For Everyone

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


A Vision Of Goodness For Everyone – Part 1

We all live our lives from morning to night, performing actions and speaking words with others along with creating thoughts. The more all our thoughts, words and actions are full of the colour of different qualities, the more our life is an inspiration to all those whom we interact with and share many experiences of goodness with. Once a young boy was visiting a market and as he met a shopkeeper to buy a few items for his home, he found some money fallen on the floor, which did not belong to him. As he picked up the money and inquired with the shopkeeper about it, he was incorrectly told that it is the shopkeeper’s money, which he needed to return. As he returned the money, the real owner of the money turned up in the shop to collect it back. The innocent boy was surprised and questioned the shopkeeper about it, but he got only false answers back. He realised, as his parents had told him that the world is not a place completely full of virtues, but people can be false and pretend to be good at times.

Just like the little boy, sometimes we find ourselves surrounded by lots of false people possessing imperfect characteristics and sometimes some of us also get disheartened that does goodness exist in this world or not? Even God sees the world from above and sees the growing imperfections in this world. As a parent of the whole of humanity, He has this pure and sweet wish to change the world and not worry about the negative imperfection that exists. Also, God possesses the knowledge, love and power to transform the bitterness, the untruthfulness, the ego and the jealousy and hatred that exists in the world into goodness, sweetness, good wishes and love. Let’s discover His point of view in this message.

© Message ®

Victory is guaranteed to the ones who are constantly loving.

Expression: The ones who are loving are able to involve others in everything they do with their love. So whatever the task may be, they find it to be very easy and are able to accomplish the biggest task with ease. Also, each task done by them is with love and so everything is done with lightness and so victory is guaranteed.

Experience: When I am loving and do everything with love, I constantly experience lightness, based on the blessings from others. I am carefree as there is no heaviness of the task to be performed. Love transforms labour into entertainment. My internal lightness enables me to do the biggest task with great ease, involving everyone with love.

A Vision Of Goodness For Everyone – Part 2

God loves the world more than we do. He loves each person on this world more than we can ever do. This is because he is the Ocean of Love and Mercy. When we see imperfections in the world, sometimes we feel sorrow, sometimes hatred and sometimes even anger. Although God knows the negativity in the minds of his billions of children in the world, He also knows the hidden goodness and niceness in people, which we cannot see. This goodness is not only what everyone possesses now but also what they have possessed in their previous lives or births. So, God does not get angry and does not hate anyone and nor does He experience any pain, when He sees anger, ego, jealousy, revenge and hatred in the world.

So, let us think about our perception of the world and let us look upto God and take a positive inspiration from His perception. Let us tell ourselves that we will be good and see the good in the world and its people, which is our eternal family. We will not worry that the world is deteriorating in goodness and we no longer have the support from the world to remain good at all times. There are some people in this world who leave goodness because they feel they cannot survive if they are good and they will be left behind in every sphere of life. And then there are some who remain good, no matter what happens around them. Such people are loved and respected immensely not only by the world, but also by God. Sometimes this love can take time to come from the world, but remember if you enjoy God’s love and you find a place in his book of good people, people will love you sooner or later. So be good and do good always, be a goodness filled personality, well liked and loved by the world and respected by God.

© Message ®

To sow the seeds of pure feelings constantly is to experience positive fruit.

Expression:When one’s feelings are constantly positive and pure, there is no expectation of the fruit to emerge immediately. Even if others are not able to respond to the positivity or if situations are not according to my expectations, there is still the feeling of giving. So there is this positivity expressed through the vibrations spread around and in every word and action.

Experience: The more I am able to have pure feelings for those around me, the more is the positivity that emerges from within. Because of having discovered the positivity within, I am able to give unconditionally. So I experience the immediate fruit of what I have given and also accumulate for the future, and continue to enjoy multifold fruit of what I give.

A Vision Of Goodness For Everyone – Part 3

Everyday, when you begin performing actions, watch everyone with goodness in your eyes and heart. Tell yourself and visualize how God is looking at each one in the world. Always bring in front of your eyes, God’s love and good wishes for that particular person, who is in front of you, that particular person who is sometimes not very well-behaved and possesses a negative nature. You find it difficult to interact comfortably and peacefully with him or her. Now keeping this positive wisdom in your mind, create a positive attitude for the person. Now based on that attitude, keep a positive vision for the other person. The more your vision remains positive, the more your words and actions will become beautiful and positive towards the other person. And the more the words and actions are pure and nice, the more the person will change as you want, into a nice person. This is the secret for changing a person from not so nice into nice. Our consciousness influences our attitude; our attitude influences our vision; our vision influences our words and actions. All of them together radiate the positive energy of goodness to the other person. This positive energy transforms the other person’s nature positively. This process is called world transformation through self-transformation or the other’s transformation through my transformation.

So, we live in a world, where sometimes we will see the negative in people, whether at home or in our workplace or in that marketplace. Also, sometimes we will perceive people to be bad, although they are not. But take care that you don’t ever leave your goodness. God sees so much negativity in the entire world but He never leaves His vision of goodness for everyone. He uses the knowledge of human beings that He possesses, the knowledge that everyone was pure and positive when they came into this world and lost their goodness over many lives; to keep His vision positive and also keeps good wishes of change for everyone. So be good, see good and make others good with that vision of goodness. Don’t leave your goodness in the ocean of imperfections that surrounds you in the entire world.

© Message ®

The ones who work towards perfection naturally inspire perfection in others.

Expression:All life’s situations are lessons for bringing about progress, for the one who is committed towards perfection. Such a person never expects others to be perfect, knowing that every human being has his own weaknesses. He is instead able to accommodate others’ weaknesses. He only inspires others to bring about transformation and work towards perfection.

Experience: When I am constantly working towards bringing perfection within myself, I am able to take everything that happens to me in a positive way, as a chance for bringing about self-progress. Also I am able to keep myself positive seeing only the goodness in the other individual and encouraging it. So I am able to enjoy each moment of my life.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

जैसे शरीर के लिए भोजन जरूरी है वैसे ही मस्तिष्क के लिए भी सकारात्मक ज्ञान रुपी भोजन जरूरी हैं। ~ कृष्ण मोहन सिंह(KMS)


———– © Best of Luck ® ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

∗ निश्चित सफलता के २१ सूत्र।

∗ जीवन परिवर्तक 51 सकारात्मक Quotes of KMSRAJ51

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.


 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”



Yoga – A Lifestyle

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


ϒ Yoga – A Lifestyle – Part 1 ϒ


All of us are constantly living a life of yoga, which in spiritual terms is called a link or connection between two entities i.e. the one which remembers and the other one which is remembered. Examples of what we have yoga with could be a person or God (called rajyoga) or your actions (called karma yoga) or spiritual knowledge (called gyan yoga) or bhakti (called bhakti yoga). Other examples of yoga are with your breath (called pranayama) or your physical body (called hath yoga) or even a physical object like a candle flame. So, yoga is life and should not be limited to sitting in a particular posture for a few minutes at a particular time of the day. Basically, remembering anything or anyone is yoga. The word yoga should not be limited to exercise which is a narrow definition of yoga. Focusing on one’s own body is extremely important, but only one aspect of a yogi lifestyle. A complete or comprehensive yogi lifestyle is focusing on pure and constructive sources right through the day including God. This is because yoga means union or link, a union which will benefit the soul and body positively.

We all live our lives in search of peace, love and happiness and also inner powers which we as spiritual beings are lacking in. So yoga i.e. our mental energy correctly channeled and connected with something positive provides us with that. People also call performing actions as yoga which is called karma yoga. But only performing selfless actions with complete dedication nowadays with the stresses and strains of everyday living can be depleting on a mental energy level. This will happen unless the karma yoga as it is called is accompanied by a mental union or link with the Supreme while performing the actions. This helps us in remaining unaffected by the stress caused due to being over-busy in those actions. That in the true sense is karma yoga i.e. selfless karmas performed in the remembrance of God. This link between me, the spiritual child and God, the spiritual parent, nourishes me continuously. It gives me the strength to perform actions with complete accuracy and get the desired success filled result.

ϒ Message ϒ

To finish excuses is to take up full responsibility.

Expression:To take up responsibility means to be ready to bear the consequences of the action done. The one who is responsible will never give excuses, but will be able to take the responsibility of correcting the situation. Under all circumstances, such a person will be able to give his best without situations hindering his output.

Experience: When I am responsible, it is not important for me why a mistake happened, but it is more important for me to find a method so that I am able to rectify what has gone wrong. So when I am responsible I am neither worried nor concerned too much for whatever has happened. On the other hand I am able work with lightness to improve the situation.

ϒ Yoga – A Lifestyle – Part 2 ϒ

All of us are living beings with a mind and an intellect, which we use to connect to various objects, people and events throughout the day. This is called our mental energy. This mental energy travels extremely fast and can reach another person in much less than a second. Very often we focus our mental energy on the physical body for mental peace and physical fitness through the medium of yog asanas or yogic postures to attain the desired purpose. That for us is a way of letting go of our stresses and negative energies stored in the body. It makes our mind and body healthy. We also focus our mental energies on our breath through the medium of pranayama whereby flawless and smooth breathing is experienced. This benefits our physical body immensely and also gives us mental energy.

If you are new at the Brahma Kumaris, and if you are practicing yog asanas and pranayama for their physical and emotional health benefits, from before, you don’t need to stop them. This is because both these are extremely important mediums for this purpose and widely acclaimed and proven successful techniques which have saved many people from the most serious of illnesses. They have also reduced the intensity of many illnesses. There are lakhs of people all over the world who share their experiences confirming this. But the Brahma Kumaris add another dimension to this physical side of yoga – a spiritual yoga i.e. connecting the mind and intellect to the supreme source of spiritual energy or God. This is also called yoga or connection with a non-physical pure entity – God. So those who have been practicing yog asanas and pranayama, if they desire, can continue to do the same but add the spiritual yoga in their lifestyles. Those who have not been practicing yog asanas and pranayama concentrate only on the spiritual yoga. Spiritual yoga not only purifies the soul but also has immense benefits for the physical systems of the body and helps in purifying them. This is because a pure mind means a mind full of the seven qualities of peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and knowledge. That in turn influences the main systems of the body and makes them free of illnesses. The mechanism of how the mind affects the different body systems will be explained in tomorrow’s message, in further detail.

ϒ Message ϒ

To remain in peace is to give support to those around.

Expression:If there is inner peace even when there is negativity all around, there is the ability to give support to those around. The biggest service that one can do is to give this support to those in need during challenging times. The one who remains in peace even in chaotic conditions becomes an example also.

Experience: When I am able to maintain my own inner state of calm under all circumstances, I am able to learn from everything that happens. I am able to bring benefit for those around me because of the vibrations of positivity that I am able to spread. I become a source of inspiration and support for all those in need.

ϒ Yoga – A Lifestyle – Part 3 ϒ

The practice of spiritual yoga or connecting the mind with a higher source of spiritual power i.e. God, causes His spiritual energy to enter our mind and fill our minds with the seven primary qualities. These qualities are – peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and knowledge. These qualities nourish all our body systems and make them free of illnesses. Each time we experience an impure or negative emotion, its negative effect travels to all these systems and this causes the birth of illnesses in these systems. Spiritual yoga, which at the Brahma Kumaris is called Rajyoga meditation and is karma yoga, because it can be done while performing any action, does the opposite. Because Rajyoga is a yoga with the Highest power existing in the universe, it is given that name. This Highest power is God and He is the Highest because He is an overflowing source of all these seven qualities mentioned above. So a link with such a source gives us an experience of these qualities. As a result, these qualities flow to each cell of all the systems of the body and causes these cells to heal and become full of pure spiritual and as a result pure physical energy also. Also, each one of us has a target organ or system which is most prone to disease. What this organ or system is for each one is connected with the karmas of the soul performed in this and previous births, which reflect in the systems of the body. Rajyoga meditation, as taught by the Brahma Kumaris, because of the mechanism explained above, helps in keeping this target organ healthy and also brings with it mental peace and a stress life.

Lastly, as you follow the path of spiritual yoga, take care that physical health issues are also addressed. This is because a healthy body finds it easier to meditate correctly and also perform actions in the remembrance of the Supreme Being with comfort. On one side the meditation helps in clearing up the negative sanskaras of the soul. Negative sanskaras are created in the soul when a negative action is performed either in this or previous births, and are an important cause of all our illnesses. At the same time, on the other side care should also be taken of the physical body through the mediums of a right diet, exercise and sleep. By doing that, the spiritual journey is smooth and obstacle free; a journey on which we welcome all of you.

ϒ Message ϒ

Cooperation brings easy success.

Expression:To work together is to allow the specialities of each and every individual to be contributed in the task to be done. There is an ability to appreciate others and their contribution. There is no ego of one’s own specialities but a true and natural appreciation of everyone around. So there is success for the task and for the person too.

Experience: Whenever I am involved with others in doing something, the task is important in itself but when I understand the importance of cooperation I am able to recognise the specialities of each and every individual. I am able to have faith in the other person to make his own contribution and I give the space for him to do so.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA Sky # 1065 | Airtel Digital TV # 678 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 | ABS Free # 69 | Online :   www.pmtv.in

Please Share your comment`s.

© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Editor in Chief, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

जैसे शरीर के लिए भोजन जरूरी है वैसे ही मस्तिष्क के लिए भी सकारात्मक ज्ञान और ध्यान रुपी भोजन जरूरी हैं। ~ कृष्ण मोहन सिंह(KMS)


———– © Best of Luck ® ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

* अपनी आदतों को कैसे बदलें।

निश्चित सफलता के २१ सूत्र।

क्या करें – क्या ना करें।

∗ जीवन परिवर्तक 51 सकारात्मक Quotes of KMSRAJ51

* विचारों का स्तर श्रेष्ठ व पवित्र हो।

* अच्छी आदतें कैसे डालें।

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”