Believe It Or Not

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


♥ Believe It Or Not – Part 1 

Remembering the time when the world was a united kingdom of peace, love and happiness which lasted till we came down from our throne of purity and started playing with the dust of body consciousness, ignoring the truth of the universe. The truth was – body consciousness attracts sorrow and soul consciousness attracts the opposite emotion i.e. joy. Why does God never experience sorrow although He is also a player in the world drama? The reason for that is simple. He follows the truth of the universe by remaining soul conscious right through the time He plays His role either on earth for a few years or when he stays in the soul world for rest of the time. Imagine thinking about God as someone who is lustful or can you imagine God as revengeful? Does anyone all over the world in different religions every say God is one of these? Many of us have grown up hearing that God created man in his own image, right from our school days. So, a man in God’s image should not ideally be either impure in any way or come under the influence of emotions of jealousy, anger, hatred and ego. Then, why is it that these emotions find a common place in the consciousness of today’s man, so much so that life without them cannot be imagined by many or for most it is unnatural to live without them. Obviously, the saying mentioned above is for how man was in the beginning and not the man which we see today.

We have all also heard of Adam and Eve become sinful after biting the forbidden fruit, which suggests that man in its originality was a human with better virtues – virtues like what God possesses – without any lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment. Believe it or not – man was like God, the way he used to talk, perform actions and come into contact with others. It was as if God was talking through every human being in that paradise or heaven which we talk about very commonly, when man started playing his role on planet earth.


To have accurate understanding is to be cheerful.

Thought to ponder: Just like a scientist who has love for truth, will spend hours together, and repeat experiments to find the truth, we too need to make effort to get to the truth of things. The truth is always beautiful and will make me positive and cheerful. If I am not able to be cheerful, it means I need to experiment some more.

Point to practice: Today I will make a special effort to see the beauty in everything. I will also check if I am able to be constantly cheerful or not. I’ll also make special effort to understand the deeper aspects. I will not give up till I get to the beauty of things.

♥ Believe It Or Not – Part 2 

There was a time once in the history of humanity when men and women lived in complete harmony and the world was not divided into so many countries as it is today. On the other hand the world was like one small family with a population of only a few lakhs, which later increased as time passed and more and more souls came down from the soul world to accompany the original population of the earth. This one united kingdom is represented by the crown of gold and the one united religion is represented by the aura or crown of purity around the deities or also called as devi devtas, the human beings with divine qualities. Even the idols of deities which are worshipped with so much respect are shown as wearing both these crowns, inside temples of worship. They are extremely beautiful human beings – both in terms of physical beauty as well as inner beauty i.e. their natures are like God’s nature. Also, they are the richest in terms of physical and spiritual attainments. That is why they are given a status equal to God. Most people do not even consider them as different from God but they are very much human, humans who are the purest and with the highest divine qualities. They are not the one God or the Supreme although they are commonly called gods and goddesses because they were similar to God in qualities.

Such divine human beings devis and devtas who are still remembered so much, when they lived, they spent the most beautiful moments in the history of mankind, a time which is also called swarg or heaven commonly by us. All the religions of the world have recorded histories and we know approximately from our history books when they were established. But the deities or devi devtas, who existed prior to the important religions of the world are only remembered in our religious books and not at all mentioned in our history books because the history of those times was not recorded. But because they have existed in the past, people all over the world remember deities ordevi devtas like Shri Radhe Krishna, Shri Lakshmi Narayan and Shri Ram Sita.


To be free from expectations is to have freedom.

Thought to ponder: When I expect others to behave in a particular way, and they don’t fulfill these expectations, there is sorrow. I slowly become totally dependent on others’ behavior for my state of happiness and wellbeing. Since others will mostly not behave according to what I want them to, I feel mostly deprived.

Point to practice: Today I will be a giver instead of a taker, whenever I am faced with a difficult situation. Let me check within, what I have and give from it. It could be a simple thought of understanding, positivity or even a good wish. When I do this, I will be free from the bondage of expectations and disappointments.

♥ Believe It Or Not – Part 3 

We all respect the devis and devtas who are our ancestors and they are our ancestors in terms of time but in reality, they are our initial roles which we played in the world drama. It may seem difficult to believe, but man came down so much in terms of qualities that today it is difficult for man to believe that the ones he has been worshipping since such a long time is his first, second or third birth or his initial births when he first came down in the world from the soul world to play his part. Today, we are uncertain about who we were in the beginning. God, who has seen the world drama right from the beginning, gives us the knowledge of our original births as deities or devi devtas who were the purest human beings with no trace of lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment. If we were to believe in the existence of the soul, we would logically realize that the soul comes down in its purity level after many cycles of birth and death. So isn’t it very much believable that we were perfect deities and then we became humans with weaknesses, of today? Today we cannot call ourselves completely perfect unless we are working on ourselves internally to become better human beings. When we believe in rebirth and the soul’s immortality, this knowledge about our earliest births becomes easy to believe.

Right now is the time to remain above the difficulties of the old world when we have lost our purity on the soul level and connect with the Ocean of Purity – God and regain back our initial status which we have forgotten i.e. a status of the devi devtas. You might wonder that how we will be transformed back into them. That is the present incognito task of God and it is souls from amongst us, belonging to different religions, who will take up the responsibility for the purification of the world by changing themselves and starting a new beginning of the world. This will be a beginning before which the more than 7 billion human souls of the world will return to the soul world and souls will come back in small numbers from the soul world and the world will start with the birth of deities or devi devtas on the planet earth, what is called heaven.


To be powerful is to have the ability to withstand negativity.

Thought to ponder: When there is power within, I am able to respond in the right way to situations and people. I will be like a hard rock which doesn’t allow any water to go within. On the other hand, if I become like a sponge, I will absorb a lot of what others are giving me. If I continue to absorb others’ negativity, I would find myself becoming negative too. Since I am taking, they too would continue giving me.

Point to practice: Today I will be strong. I will take a powerful thought that I will keep it with me through out the day. I am the one who has the power within me to withstand anything that comes my way. When I think this way, I will be able to move forward, learning and discovering something new from within me at every step.

♥ Believe It Or Not – Part 4 

Whenever the world needs a cleaning up of the collective consciousness of mankind, that’s when an inner awakening is required, a realization that I need to change and clean up the cupboards of my mind and become a perfect personality, but a perfect personality as defined by God and not by the world and mankind in general. Perfection has been defined differently by different religions and people from different sections of society. So, which definition of perfection should I as a person, in the search of perfection, choose? Should I pick Jesus Christ or should I pick Gautam Buddha or should I stick to the Indian shastras or religious books or should I listen to my parents for that matter? The more the different people and their different opinions on perfection, the more I will get confused on which road to take to reach my destination of perfection. In such an atmosphere of unlimited views and opinions on what a perfect human being should be and how he should become that and also a lot of us want to know that what is the need of becoming perfect, especially if we are extremely successful and life has given us everything we need and we search for on a material level.

So, who is the One who can guide me correctly and give me the answers to all these questions? It has to be someone whom each and everyone in the world rates as being perfect and who is available for me at the present moment. This is not my parent or a guru or religious head or a deity who have existed in the past on the earth. God, who is the Supreme Father of all souls and is above the cycle of perfection and imperfection, can only tell me what is perfection and the method of reaching that perfection. Even deities and fathers of religions who were perfect or close to perfect and have existed in the past are no longer there physically to guide me. Only God, the Supreme Being, who does not go through the process of birth and rebirth can show me the way to becoming a perfect human being with qualities which He has inside Him.


Real powerful actions inspire others to be positive and powerful too.

Thought to ponder: There is a saying that there is a metal (‘Paras’) that makes iron to gold. We need to be like that, i.e., when our words and actions are powerful, it will inspire others to become powerful too. On the other hand, in the face of negativity, if we tend to portray negativity, they will never have the power to make their actions positive.

Point to practice: Today I will take a fast of not using negativity. Just for today, I will make sure that in spite of negative situations, I will remain positive. I will let no negative word emerge from my mouth nor will I perform any negative action. I will pay special attention to this.

♥ Believe It Or Not – Part 5 

When we come into this world, we were completely full of 36 divine qualities – Accuracy, Appreciation, Benevolence, Carefreeness, Cheerfulness, Cleanliness, Contentment, Co-operation, Courage, Detachment, Determination, Discipline, Easiness, Egolessness, Energetic, Far-Sightedness, Fearlessness, Generosity, Good Wishes, Honesty, Humility, Introspection, Lightness, Maturity, Mercy, Obedience, Orderliness, Patience, Politeness, Purity, Royalty, Self-Confidence, Simplicity, Sweetness, Tirelessness and Tolerance.

If you check the above list, you will realize how today none of us have all these qualities and that too at all times in all situations. Try naming one person in your life who never lacks these qualities and you will find it impossible to find someone who is never missing these qualities in his or her day-to-day living and when in contact with people i.e. while playing different roles in society in their personal or professional life. The devi devtas whom we call the ones who were perfect human beings had these qualities and that too in every situation of life, when they lived in the world in heaven or paradise. This was because they were completely pure souls without any trace of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego and because of that they possessed all these qualities. That was the most beautiful time on the planet earth when these deities lived together as one small united family and there were no sinful actions performed ever by anyone. Even founders of different religions and sects are praised immensely all over the world for their qualities and people all over the world are inspired by the actions which they performed when they played their roles right from the time they started being established. Right now is the time to fill ourselves with the 36 qualities mentioned above by listening to spiritual knowledge, remembering God, self-introspection and helping God in the service of mankind.


Attention finishes tension.

Thought to ponder: When there is attention on small little things, I do everything well. I don’t postpone, nor am I careless. I take care of the small little details and do things well. I am also far sighted and am able to plan and act accordingly. So I am free from tension.

Point to practice: Today I will finish all those little things that would create a problem for me later. I will surely make a list of things I need to do. I will then pick out two tasks from that list and finish them today.

♥ Believe It Or Not – Part 6 

We are all today living in a world of multiple identities, multiple governments and also multiple religions and castes, which is a very different set up from the united set up which was the set up of the world in the beginning. Because of this kind of united setup, there was complete peace, love and happiness in that land which we call Jannat or heaven or God’s Garden where deities or devi devtas lived. Some of us, who are very advanced in our lifestyles and are more in tune with our fast paced technology driven lives, doubt the existence of such a world because it is not something we study in our educational curriculum or syllabus. Also, many of us at the Brahma Kumaris, especially those of us who have been brought up in advanced educational and family settings, found it difficult to believe at first in the existence of the world of deities or devi devtas. But after realizing God through the beautiful meditation taught at the Brahma Kumaris and developing a lovely and close relationship with God, our beliefs underwent a drastic change and what seemed something out of context earlier to us, suddenly became something we could relate to. Slowly we even went a step ahead by easily believing that this is our story and then becoming 100% sure that it is a hard core reality. Meditation also brought in front of us different sides of God’s personality and as God is called the truth, after realizing this personality of truth and believing that his knowledge about the world history is completely truthful, these facts became a part and parcel of our daily lives. On the other hand other people from similar backgrounds as us who had not experienced this personality found it difficult to believe this knowledge of who we were.

Some people ask us – why did our thought process about the world and its origins as well as its complete history undergo such a drastic change and why did we take up viewpoints which were not part of our belief system earlier? We remain silent, but our eyes tell them that believe it or not the story of the world starts with those who purify themselves now through God’s power and then go on to become deities or devi devtas. The world of deities has existed in the past and is being established again by the Supreme Father or God. This is the birthright of each and every soul in the world and is the property of God, the Supreme Father for all his children.


Introspection enables one to be free from the influence of negativity.

Thought to ponder: Introspection means the desire to be good. Introspection brings the ability to look within and see the true self in the mirror of the heart, thus enabling one to activate the inner spirituality. Then all effort made will be towards activating this inherent goodness. And slowly one finds that the behaviour associated with negative traits are no more expressed, as they begin to lose their hold.

Point to practice: When I am able to introspect and look within, I can find the goodness that is there within me. Because of this, I naturally am free from expectations from others that they should recognise my goodness or consider me good. Instead I find myself content with what I am and continue to bring out the best from within me. I also continue to learn from all situations and experience progress.

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Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO

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यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

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– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”



____Copyright © 2013 – 2015  All Rights Reserved.____

The Five Primary Qualities

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


The Five Primary Qualities – Part 1 

The soul has five primary qualities; we could say they are the primary colours of humanity with which we paint the picture of our lives.

They are:

This is the original quality of the soul. Peace is serenity, the personal inner state of non-violence. In this state of peace, I harmonize with everything and everyone around me. The word shanti means peace, and it is this thought (or word) we use as the key step in meditation.

A state of honesty and cleanliness where I am the same inside and outside, not deceiving either myself, or others. Consequently, there is no room for artificiality. Purity is the state of original truth where no violence is committed against others, nor can violence be committed against me. When the self is in its original purity, others cannot damage or destroy it, even if they try, because there is a natural aura of protection that acts as an invisible barrier. When I achieve this level of purity, it means I respect all things.


A powerful stage is like a switch which finishes darkness of negativity in a second.

Thought to ponder: Darkness is dispelled when a light is switched on. Similarly, a powerful stage is also a light switch. When this switch is on, one can put an end to all wasteful darkness and no longer have to labour to stop any wasteful thoughts. By becoming powerful, one can naturally become a donor, as there is nothing waste within.

Point to practice: When I am aware of my positive qualities and what I can contribute to others, I am able to be powerful. This naturally enables me to be light and spread the inner light to others. I am never influenced negatively with any kind of waste or negative, but am always able to maintain my own positivity and that of others.

The Five Primary Qualities – Part 2 

The soul has five primary qualities; we could say they are the primary colours of humanity with which we paint the picture of our lives. We had discussed peace and purity yesterday. The others are:

Perhaps the most difficult original quality to achieve because it has become so mixed up with attachment, possessiveness and dependence, deeply ingrained habits that have become accepted as normal. As a result, the human being finds it difficult to realize the true form of pure love, which is unconditional. The quality of love means I care, I share and, in particular, I liberate. True spiritual love never creates that need, or dependence, where others cannot find, or be, themselves.

To know and to be what I am eternally and truly, and to exist in this consciousness, is what we mean by knowledge. It is not knowing about the soul, peace, love, etc., but rather knowing is to be the soul, to be peace, to be love. This quality of true knowing is expressed through I am, the original awareness of the self that exists beyond the false self of ego.


Positive actions sow seeds for a positive future.

Thought to ponder: When I sow the seeds of positive actions, I reap a positive future for myself. It means to say that when I perform positive actions, I reinforce positive personality traits. This gives me access to my inner strengths in all situations. Even when something goes wrong, or someone behaves negatively towards me, it’s my choice how I want to react. The more positive I am the more I find my inner strengths getting nurtured.

Point to practice: Today I will pay special attention to only perform positive actions. That means in all I do, I will ensure that I do it with the right feeling and the right intention. I will also check if my action is going to bring benefit to others or myself, and do only that which is beneficial. At least, I will have attention not to do anything that is negative.

The Five Primary Qualities – Part 3 

The soul has five primary qualities; we could say they are the primary colours of humanity with which we paint the picture of our lives. We have discussed four of the qualities in the last couple of days. The last one is:

Happiness – Happiness is the natural expression of joy in being alive and interacting with others. Happiness is only possible when I relate to myself and express respectfully what I am and allow others to share in what I am and what I have. I relate to people and nature and experience the fulfillment of human life through relationships.

In the meditation taught by the Brahma Kumaris, we absorb the rays of these five primary qualities from the Supreme Soul by concentrating on his point of divine light form in the incorporeal world (paramdham or shantidham). The absorption and the harmony of these basic qualities (peace, purity, love, knowledge and happiness) lead to the development of many more virtues inside us.

As we become aware of these five primary qualities, we gradually realize that each one of them has many characteristics.

e.g. we understand that love does not mean just a special feeling for one or two people. Spiritual love is far greater; it means respect, tolerance, forgiveness, compassion and flexibility; there is a universal feeling of belonging, an openness of heart, a generosity of spirit that is all-embracing.


To pick up jewels instead of pebbles is to ensure that I only speak sweet words.

Thought to ponder: Like a swan which picks up only jewels and leaves the pebbles aside, it is up to me to pick out only good things from all interactions. There are both (positive and negative) available and probably the negative (pebbles) are more in number. But I need to have the power to discern and pick out only that which is good and positive.

Point to practice: Today I will only talk what is positive. I will make special effort not to think, talk or see negative. This will help my mind be free from that which is not necessary or harmful. Thus what I speak will be positive, powerful and beneficial too.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |


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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”



____Copyright © 2013 – 2015  All Rights Reserved.____

A Beautiful Reunion

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


A Beautiful Reunion – Part 1 

Have you ever wondered why we started celebrating festivals? One of the main reasons why festivals started being celebrated, apart from the traditional reasons, was to bring enthusiasm in the lives of people through celebrations on special days. We at the Brahma Kumaris also celebrate festivals, but we celebrate them with their spiritual significance deeply held in our minds, because festivals without their spiritual importance lose their substance and their essence of purity. At the same time, care is taken that apart for celebrating the festival on the special day, every day is treated as a series of joyful moments of time so that the happiness is not restricted to the day of the festival but every day is a fun fill festival. Everyday involves a loveful chit chat with the spiritual parent – the mother and the father (or God), playing with the jewels of knowledge which he gives and also distributing the jewels to others in the same way as we used to play as little children and share chocolates and simple gifts with each other and experience the happiness associated with the loveful bonding that existed between all of us due to that.

Also, a day in God’s company is incomplete without sharing all the love that we have inside us with the world family because spirituality is incomplete without sharing all that you fill yourself with – the peace, joy and good wishes with others. So, life is not being close to God alone but also close to other souls of the world family. Both these pure relationships – with God and the other souls of the world family, in the present, are based on the spiritual knowledge of who we are, who God is and who the souls of the world family are and what roles all of us have played in the world drama.


To be an example is to ensure positive correction.

Thought to ponder: To correct people through words is easy. Yet, we find that people are not ready to listen to what we say. Each one feels, in his own way, that he is right. So however positively we put it, we cannot change people’s thinking. But whatever we want to teach, we first have to be an embodiment of that. When we become a role model, people learn, without them feeling that they are being corrected.

Point to practice: Today I will be patient even when I see someone doing something wrong. I will not correct him and make him feel guilty. Because I understand that if his behavior is wrong, my correction is wrong too. Specially if it is done rudely or with anger or irritation. So I understand that one wrong cannot correct another wrong.

A Beautiful Reunion – Part 2 

As per the knowledge of the world drama, after living many births in the last phase of the world drama in sorrow, especially when sorrow came our way through the different mediums of mind, body, role and relationships, there was a desire in each one’s heart to experience joy and that desire is being fulfilled by God now. It is the time when He comes down and is very close to us while He is liberating us from all the different moments of sorrow we went through in each birth, those sorrows which we have forgotten in our present birth. We all have stored inside our sub-conscious minds various different memories of ups and downs that we went through in different births in the latter part of the world drama. Today the shadows of those same memories continue to fall upon our lives i.e. whenever we are faced with a difficult situation, we tend to experience fear and insecurity very easily and the inner strength to face these difficulties is lacking. This is because we went through a lot of pain due to various reasons like the sudden loss of a loved one, the illness that destroyed our confidence, our own untimely death, the wars and the financial instability, the other types of sorrows like not being as attractive or healthy as others or natures that we received from our parents not being particularly pure and positive, even the not so perfect or nice husband or wife or child or any other relationship that was sorrow-giving. All this and much more happened with each one of us in some birth or the other that we passed through in our journey of birth and rebirth, especially in the last phase of the world drama.

The love of God – the spiritual Father and Mother, today, is making us forget all the hidden fears and sorrow that we even carry sub-consciously because He is the One who has seen all that we experienced each day of each birth. And also, the love exchanged through each interaction with each soul of the world based on spiritual wisdom is filling us with a lot of happiness and bringing us heartfelt blessings from them. So, our present lives are full of enthusiasm and all that we went through in the last phase of the world drama is being washed out by the love of the Supreme and the love of all the souls of the world family who accompany us, as the world drama comes to an end and a new repetition of the world drama begins on a happy note in the future and remains full of happiness for many years after that.


The one who defames or criticizes is a true friend.

Thought to ponder: If one has a clear vision of where he wants to go, he constantly looks for opportunities and means to move ahead. When someone criticizes, it is an opportunity to learn something, to check and change what I might have missed. It doesn’t matter with what intention the other person is criticizing. It is more important whether I have learnt from it or not. So he actually becomes a friend who is helping me progress.

Point to practice: Today I will listen to people carefully and take at least one point that I could bring about a change. I will then explain to myself that this particular aspect is going to help me to move forward. This is what I will bring into action.

 ♥ A Beautiful Reunion – Part 3 

At the end of the world drama, with God’s knowledge in our heart, we know that the present moment is the time, when all the accounts of karmas with other souls are getting settled i.e. all the negative that existed between us and other souls in the past will get over by becoming pure and the remembrance of the Supreme. Also, by coming into contact with other souls of the world family with an extremely pure vision in the present, we are creating sanskaras inside us of coming into contact again and again with these souls on a positive note in the births of the next world cycle, which will begin soon after we return to the soul world in the near future and then come down again to play our roles in the world.

Life without the canopy of God and without the sweet and loving relationships of other souls of the world family would be a life lacking enthusiasm. Don’t forget all of us were pure divine beings when we came down from the soul world at different times throughout the world drama, to play our parts on earth. We met different souls of different natures and specialties in our journey. Some of them were our parents at times, some our brothers or sisters and some friends. Sometimes we were male, sometimes female in different births and so were all these relations whom we were close to in different births. Some souls – we regularly came into contact through different relationships and some less. Parents of some births returned as children in different births, friends returned as siblings (brothers or sisters) and more. All this happened regularly. Now, at the end of the world drama, is the time to come together, re-unite and form a garland of pure souls who are children of God, then go back to the soul world and form a garland of pure souls in the soul world around God, the Supreme Soul and then come down to the world of happiness and play our roles as a garland of pure and divine human beings which are our future roles.

 ♦ Message

To see and relate to virtues is the best form of diplomacy.

Thought to ponder: It is said that we need to be diplomatic while dealing with people. Yet, many feel that being diplomatic, equals to not being honest or truthful. However, the easiest way to be diplomatic is to see and relate to virtues. When I am able to see others’ virtues, I am only relating to them with that. There might be weaknesses, but I don’t highlight them during my interaction with them. So they too are more comfortable with me.

Point to practice: Today I will look for virtues. Out of all the people, I interact with; I will pay special attention to list out the virtues or specialties of at least three people. Every time I interact with them, I will remind myself of these qualities at least once during the interaction. This practice will help me create a habit of picking virtues.

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– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”



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