The Original Ingredients Of The Soul

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..

Soulword_kmsraj51 - Change Y M T

“अपने लक्ष्य को इतना महान बना दो, की  व्यथ॔ के लीये समय ही ना बचे” -Kmsraj51

The Original Ingredients Of The Soul 

Our original resources are very simply – peace, love, purity, knowledge and happiness. In Raja Yoga meditation these are called the five original qualities of the soul. When we return our consciousness to these five qualities and remember them, then the following feelings arise in us, which finally get reflected in our actions: 

• Love: I care and I share. 
• Peace: I harmonize and reconcile (adjust). 
• Purity: I respect and I honour. 
• Knowledge: I am and I exist. 
• Happiness: I express and I enjoy. 

To understand and remember these qualities, we need to recognize the heavy deep shadows or personality traits (sanskars) which have blotted them out, or polluted them. Sometimes we don’t recognize the pollutants because they have ingrained themselves so deeply into the personality that we say ‘I am this’. True, complete spiritual knowledge, makes us aware of these pollutants and the practice of meditation empowers us to dilute them and get them out of our consciousness.

In Spiritual Service Brahma Kumaris



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kmsraj51 की कलम से …..

Coming soon book (जल्द ही आ रहा किताब)…..

“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से”


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I am grateful to all of my dear readers.


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