If Tomorrow Didn’t Exist

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


If Tomorrow Didn’t Exist – Part – 1

Preparing for a tomorrow has become a part of our present day lives but we at the Brahma Kumaris are preparing the world for a tomorrow which is to be created by our pure thoughts, words and actions, that means a tomorrow which we cannot see with our physical eyes but a tomorrow based on our spiritual conviction and powerful belief and inner trust on who has promised us this tomorrow based on the knowledge of the repetitive world drama, which is there with Him – the seed of the human world tree – our and your Father – Shiva (or point) – the bodiless Supreme Father or Supreme Being of Light, not to be confused with the deity form of Shankarwhich is a physical form worshipped in temples of Shiva and is a remembrance of intense meditation. Shiva is just a name which meansbindi or point. The form of Shiva shown in temples in the form of the jyotirlingam is a representation of this name. Shiva should not be seen as one of the Hindu Gods or even one of the Gods of the different religions of the world.

To have inner trust on who is promising us a positive future, we need to know his identity by going back into the history of the worship of God. Do you know that the path of devotion or bhakti, when it began, was the worship of only the one bodiless God in India? Later God started being worshipped in a physical form in India. In India, the worship of different devis and devtas like Shri – Lakshmi, Radhe andSita; Shiv Shaktis like Durga and Kali and also Shri – Krishna, Vishnu, Rama, Hanuman and Ganesha began later than the worship of the one bodiless God Father. Even in world religions all across the world, God is often remembered as a light form. He is the Universal Light. In Christianity, the Bible states – I Have Come Into The World As Light. In Islamism, the Koran states that – Allah Is The Light Of The Heavens And The Earth. In Buddhism, the Dhammapada states that – The Radiance Of Buddha Shines Ceaselessly. In the religion of the Jews, the Psalms state that – The Lord Is My Light, Whom Shall I Fear? In Sikhism, the Adi Granth states that – God, Being Truth, Is The One Light Of All. So in almost all religions, God was remembered as a being of light, directly or indirectly. As time progressed, like in India, the Fathers of different religions, like Christ, Buddha, Guru Nanak and Mahavir were worshipped like God and started being looked upto almost as equally highly as God, which was a mistake because they were pure souls and not God or the Supreme Soul or param-atma.

Θ Message Θ

To be free from blame and excuses is to get others’ help too.

Thought to ponder: When I blame others for whatever has happened to me, I lose the chance for improvement. On the other hand, when I make effort to bring about a change, using that situation as a learning point for myself, I find others helping too. There is no negativity involved, but only a move towards a positive change.

Point to practice: Today I will not blame anyone for whatever happened to me. I will find a way to deal with the situation, without blaming others or trying to escape by giving excuses. I would be able to courageously take on any situation that I would be faced with.

If Tomorrow Didn’t Exist – Part – 2

The Supreme source of spiritual light – God, as explained in yesterday’s message, is above whatever is happening in the world at the present moment of time but not at all unconcerned about it. In fact, as a loveful parent of the whole of humanity above us, He wants to give us a secure future for our lives, which means no sorrows and no problems – both problems in our personal lives as well as problems in the whole world. We have just seen an earthquake cause sorrow to thousands of people in Nepal and of course God does not want more of this in the future that He wants to give us and the complete world.

Sorrows in the world are not as old as the world as you might think. We all know from the earlier messages that we have shared with our readers in the past that time is cyclic, not a straight line. We all, in this world drama, move from joy to sorrow, until God saves us and brings the world of joy back into our hands. It is because time is cyclic and extreme sorrow is always followed by joy and a world of joy has existed in the past, that God is stable inspite of all the sorrows in the world on the rise. You would say that natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, droughts and road accidents as well as airplane crashes and of course other untimely deaths due to illnesses like cancer and heart failures apart from terrorism and war are a part of life and we have to accept them as a part of the current world situations. But remember, we are living in a world which is transforming or changing continuously. Illnesses like AIDS and severe psychiatric ailments like schizophrenia which are now commonly found in people of all age groups were either not there or found so rarely that they were almost unheard of amongst the world public in general, about 100 years ago. So, the world has in front of our eyes, changed negatively. Scientific progress has also taken place in this time which has connected people all across the globe; that cannot be denied, but it has had its negative effects as well in the form of work stress and extremely busy lifestyles and the rise of other physical illnesses due to that.

Θ Message Θ

To be an example is to inspire people to change.

Thought to ponder: It is not always necessary to correct people through words. When my own actions don’t reflect the words that I speak, it will not have any effect on people. They would want to see the change that I talk about in my own actions. Since actions speak louder than words, they are inspired to bring about a change in themselves too.

Point to practice: Today I will be an example for others in whatever I do. I will check myself when I find the need to correct someone. I will bring about a change in that particular aspect. Then, whether I see the desired change in the other person or not, at least I am richer for whatever effort I make.

If Tomorrow Didn’t Exist – Part – 3

A world full of joy is an impossible thing to think about and a world where the clouds of sorrow are right on top of us looks more of a possibility for the complete world. Keep your hand on your heart and ask yourself for a moment if the tomorrow based on what you see happening in the world today, didn’t exist what would you do today to create a secure future for your lives and the world as a whole, a future as per what God thinks and plans.

God is often in story books shown as a white bearded figure sitting in the clouds and giving us joy as well as sorrow. But God is a Supreme Being of Consciousness, not visible to the physical eyes, who stays beyond the clouds and the world of the five elements of sky, air, fire, water and earth in the sixth element. He does not ever hurt His children but only thinks of the welfare of His children from every nation of the world. He is a being of energy or spiritual light and might with a most powerful mind and intellect in the Universe watching over the current rise in difficult situations in the lives of millions of people across the world. Don’t think He is merciless. He is on an incognito level awakening the consciousness of human souls and empowering their mind and intellect so that the effect of this subtle thought power flows into the world and even the five elements of nature and makes them peaceful and co-operative instead of as violent as they are today. This is the secret task of God. God is not indifferent or cold to the sorrows of the old world. In fact, He, being the most patient being in the Universe, is working tirelessly on an incognito level to bring back the world of the past, a world of joy. Don’t forget that even about 500 years ago, the world was filled with the energy of joy much more than the joy of the present world although scientific advancement was less at that time, but everyone in the world at that time lived together like one big happy family much more than how we live with each other today.

Θ Message Θ

To do the internal dance of happiness at the time of tiredness is to bring an instant change in our mood.

Thought to ponder: When I am tired, it is easy to give in to the tiredness and feel low, irritable or vulnerable. At such a time, I need to do something that my mind can dance with happiness. When I have the aim of being happy and do this little exercise of being happy, I will be able to be free from tiredness of the body and mind.

Point to practice: Today I will do something nice to recharge myself. It could be something as simple as listening to a nice song or taking a peaceful walk or painting something. This little effort of mine would give me happiness and bring enthusiasm in all I do.

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved._______

Different Shades Of Attachment To Opinions And Ideas

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


Different Shades Of Attachment To Opinions And Ideas – Part – 1

Very often in a group or team, whether social or official, while moving towards a common goal or objective or purpose, different people in the group or gathering give their opinion to make the objective of the team possible. While giving their opinion, one very commonly sees two different categories of people. The first category contains type of people who are attached to their ideas (to different extents) while presenting them to the group and the other contains type of people who are extremely active, positive and authoritative in giving their ideas, when they are required to do so, but are able to keep a relationship of detachment with their ideas. If someone is attached to his/her idea and it is not accepted, he/she might react emotionally (internally) or even physically (externally). He/she:

– might even start creating disharmony in the group by talking against or creating ill-feelings for the person who objected to his idea or

– might stop co-operating with the remaining members of the group or

– sometimes may just disassociate or distance himself/herself from the group, which is a quiet way of non co-operation and can cause ripples of negative thoughts and feelings in the others.

These and others are some of the common reactions of someone whose idea/ideas are not accepted.

So the right balance of authority (while giving the idea) and humility (while accepting the result of the idea, the result could be rejection or even acceptance of the idea) has to be maintained. Humility comes very naturally to someone who is detached to his/her idea.

Θ Message Θ

Positive thoughts heal even the disease of the body.

Thought to ponder: When I am ill, it is very easy for the mind to become ill too. I tend to have negative thoughts and suffer. These negative thoughts don’t restrict themselves to that particular part of the body, but is carried forward to the entire body and the mind too. The mind which has to be the healer, becomes a victim and hence weak. At such times, it is important that my mind is strong creating a positive influence on the body.

Point to practice: Today I will not think about my illness. When the thought does come, I will make sure I give vibrations of power and peace to that part, so that I will help it to heal. I will do everything for it to heal rather than damaging it further by having negative thoughts about it.

Different Shades Of Attachment To Opinions And Ideas – Part – 2

The attachment or detachment to one’s ideas not only comes into play while giving an idea or opinion, but even when accepting or receiving or listening to an idea from another person from the group. The more the attachment to one’s own ideas, the more will be the tendency to resist or reject the other’s idea. A particular person, with the objective or resisting or rejecting the idea:

– might try to do the same through different means like putting up a seemingly valid or even an invalid objection to the idea in front of the whole group which may seem very reasonable to the group and may be taken or accepted by the group or the person objecting may try to ensure that happens or

– he/she may quietly disassociate from the group if the group begins showing interest in the idea (sometimes the influence of the position of the person is such that this kind of disassociation very easily manages to reduce the energy of interest of the group in the new idea) or also

– might present a new idea to the group, which manages to divert the attention of the group, etc.

Sometimes the person rejecting the idea is aware of the fact that he/she is rejecting the idea because of the inner attachment to his ideas, but will not admit it in front of others and sometimes he/she might not even be slightly aware of the fact; the attachment is too subtle to realize. Others might realize their attachment, but they might not themselves. And if someone to point out their inner attachment, they might even react, because where there is attachment, there is fear that the other’s idea will be accepted and yours will not. Attachment to one’s ideas fills the energy of I am right in any situation. Overcoming all sorts of attachment to ones ideas is one of the foremost steps that we can take to bring about harmony in all types of relationships.

Θ Message Θ

Not to expect respect is to get respect from all.

Thought to ponder: When I expect that people have to respect me, I will not be able to get their respect; as the feeling that they get is of weakness. To seek or wait for others is to never get it. Instead, when I have self-respect, I am able to create a positive impact on others, and automatically get respect from them.

Point to practice: Today I will appreciate myself. I will look into the mirror and say “I like you for what you are”. Perfection is of course a journey, so right now I love myself for what I am today and am also moving towards becoming better and better. When I know to like myself, others will like me too.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved._______

The Hurting Of The Ego

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


The Hurting Of The Ego – Part – 1

Almost everyday or every second day we come across a situation when someone says something to us which is not very pleasurable or we chose to perceive it to be so. In either case, we feel insulted and get upset as a result. In some cases we react and display our feelings. In some, we don’t. In either case, the result is a depreciation (decrease) in our happiness index. Why does this happen? It’s because you have created, attached to and identified with an image of yourself in your mind that does not match with how the other sees or perceives you, as a result of which you believe you have been insulted and you get upset.

As long as people’s perception of you matches the image that you have created inside your mind of yourself, you are content with them, but as soon as the opposite happens, even if it is to a very small extent, you become disturbed, because you are attached to that image. The more the attachment, the greater the hurt, the disturbance or reaction. You could examine this phenomenon very closely, taking place inside yourself everyday. This kind of attachment mentioned above is called ego. That’s why the phenomenon explained above is called in common language the hurting of the ego.

Θ Message Θ

To use the treasure of time well is to ensure success.

Thought to ponder: Everyone has the same amount of time in their hands. There are some who spend it waiting for something to happen, there are others who waste it thinking unnecessarily or talking unnecessarily. But those who invest time and perform beneficial and fruitful actions, find themselves successful at every step.

Point to practice: Today I will not waste my time in small little things that I normally would. I will save small drops of time and invest them well. I will be careful and pay attention to see if everything that I do is using the treasure of time well.

The Hurting Of The Ego – Part – 2

we commonly use the terms – my ego got hurt or I think your ego got hurt. You hurt my ego is nothing but you hurt or harmed the image that I carry of myself (as discussed yesterday) with me each second everyday.Because I carry it with me all the time, I have become attached to it. e.g. If, on a particular day, you reach home late from office and your wife, who is angry with you, accuses of not being a family man and one who doesn’t give enough time to her and the children. Your reasons for reaching home late may be genuine or not, your wife may be right or wrong on that particular day. In either case, you carry an image of yourself, all the time, as being a very loving, caring father and husband, who has been responsible for the all-round growth and development of the family in all respects since the family was created. Your wife’s words basically pinch that invisible image, as a result of which you feel insulted and hurt and you react angrily, not necessarily in front of your wife, but it could be in front of someone else or even just internally. This phenomenon happens many times, in various different situations with different people throughout the day and every day.

The image that we all carry of our selves is made of various traits or characteristics, obviously the characteristics of each one’s self-created image are different. These characteristics of the image may or may not actually exist inside the real self, but whenever someone challenges any of those characteristics or tries to suggest to us that one of those characteristics is not ours or does not exist inside us, we react.

Θ Message Θ

Sweet words bring benefit.

Thought to ponder: When I get upset or disturbed by something that someone did, my immediate reaction is to say something to them. But most times, such words only turn out to be like stones hit at them, which are hurting. In fact, it is all the more important to say something positive and encouraging to someone who neither have the power at that time to act positively nor realize their mistake.

Point to practice: Today I will only say something positive. If I feel that my saying something will not help the other person, today I will not say that. I will pay special attention to what I speak. I will only say that which would create a positive effect.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved._______

Love Will Heal The World

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


ϒ Love Will Heal The World – Part-1 ϒ

Have you ever believed love, the most powerful emotion in the world, can transform the whole universe in a second? That’s the potential it holds in itself but the right type of love and a united love channelized correctly. Not the love that we see on television and in movies. The strength of the media is such that it defines love in an improper way and it influences negatively, millions of people all over the world in just no time. People follow the definition of love that their eyes and ears are exposed to and instead of erasing the negatives that the world is full of, it is taking the world into a phase where an uncontrollable collapse of the value system is taking place with no world monitor except God present to stop the same. People talk about a future apocalypse or a physical mass world destruction, as predicted by some famous world astrologers, prophets, preachers and theologians (those who make a rational study and analysis of religious truths, spirituality and God).

While none of the predictions of the world coming to an end have come true up till now; as per the principles of the world drama and its various scenes and phases that God has shared at the present moment, who is above the predictions made by humans and does possess the knowledge of the immediate future of the world, the world will undergo a transformation and not a complete reduction to a zero existence. The world wide mass birth of unsolvable problems in the ecological, social, political, religious and financial spheres will pave the way for the future world of peace, love and happiness established by the power of love for God and His remembrance based on that, compete purity of the mind and spiritual knowledge. The world will not come to an end. This complete transformation is expected to happen in the near future and is already happening slowly and is something people from many sectors of society are sure about. It is not an immediate event, but we are seeing signs of the same. But before that happens, we are already staring at a spiritual apocalypse or destruction of the value system of the world in the near future; in fact it has already begun.

Θ Message Θ

To speak about others’ negativity is to increase the burden of negativity.

Expression: Every negative experience leaves a negative mark on my mind. When I talk about that to someone, they too would be influenced. In the same way, when someone talks about others, it creates negativity in our minds too. Although we did not have that negative experience, we tend to carry the unnecessary burden of negativity.

Experience: Today I will neither gossip nor listen to anyone gossip. I will pay attention to myself that if I have to talk about anyone, it will only be about any positive aspect of them, if not I will not say anything. For today, I will pay attention to this.

ϒ Love Will Heal The World – Part-2 ϒ

Love, as an emotion, was given a physical manifestation or form by most people, which included the ones who had lived by the essence of true love in their earlier births i.e. at the time when love was one based on soul consciousness and it was free from lust and attachment, at the beginning of the world drama, which repeats itself. Later, the same souls lost their inner conscience i.e. their beliefs started undergoing change because of the soul becoming discharged due to constantly coming in the process of life and death and not because of any negative or impure actions performed by them. It is a wonder of the world drama that souls after a period of few thousand years of a pure world existence gradually started getting attracted to the physical costume (body) of the opposite gender as impure desires took birth inside the soul. This happened in husband-wife relationships in which love took the form of the impure emotion of lust and in other relationships like parent-child relationships or between siblings (brothers and sisters) or other such close relationships, these desires, as we all know, took the form of the negative emotion of attachment.

So, unknown to the eye of wisdom which was closed at that time, we were swept by the wave of bodily desires and also unknowingly, we became sorrowful. God, who is a source of pure love, the seed of love of the universe, as per the rules of the world drama and as per His role in the world drama, was a silent observer to this happening, for a long time. The quality of love that is found in Him was a part of His creation i.e. us humans at the beginning and suddenly the same creation was abusing that quality which was given to them by God. This is the story of the world creator and creation and how the love virtue works inside them. God, because He does not come in the process of birth and rebirth, does not lose His spiritual energy and that is why He is the only being in whom the positive colour of love does not get transformed into the negative shade of lust and attachment.

Θ Message Θ

To have the aim for self-transformation is to be easy and light.

Expression: It is up to me whether I want to ask questions and get stuck in them or pick out a point of learning and move on. When I have an aim of bringing self-transformation, I will be able to use all circumstances for my own progress, without blaming or giving excuses.

Experience: Today I will pick up one point from all that happens to me, that can be a point of learning. I will bring about a change in that aspect, without thinking about why it happened or who is to blame. I will be free from questions and simply implement what I learnt for self-progress.

ϒ Love Will Heal The World – Part-3 ϒ

The fall in the value system of the world is largely due to love no longer present in the minds of the people of the world in its pure form. There are very few people in the world who are living by God’s definition of love and that is why we see sorrow increasing in the world because both lust and attachment, which are impure forms of love and being lived by almost everyone, bringing with them negative emotions like lack of freedom, expectations, feelings of superiority and inferiority, domination, possessiveness, lack of control over emotions, feelings of jealousy, even depression due to separation or loss of someone with whom either of these two emotions existed. You might question that do we stop loving our friends and family and detach ourselves from them? Do you know that the world in its originality was a world where the love that existed, its magnitude and depth and also its cleanliness remains un-comparable to the love of today’s world? Also, the original inhabitants of the world who are none other than we, but in different physical costumes (bodies), loved their children, their husbands and wives, their parents extremely but what did not exist in that love was physical attraction to the opposite gender and sorrow based attachment. The love of today’s world has brought with it so much insecurity and pain. Relationships today are like two sides of the same coin. As long as everything is okay in the relationship its heads for happiness and relationships like any other coin don’t always fall on heads. The same relationship does fall on tails repeatedly i.e. it brings with it sorrow and dis-heartedness.

Love without lust and attachment is the original love of the world, so we cannot say that it is an impossible love. It is the love that souls, who have recognized God’s i.e. the Supreme Ocean of Love’s present presence in the world, are filling themselves with, from Him. God is actually pouring that pure love, which He is full of, presently into humanity which is healing humanity on an incognito level and giving rise to a new tree of humanity full of the different flowers of closeness, belongingness, concern, respect and good wishes amongst everyone and without the thorns of physical lustful attraction and attachment which hurts negatively.

Θ Message Θ

To understand the significance of the role that I have to play is to make it special.

Expression: When I compare myself with others, I either feel superior or inferior to them. There is also a chance that I feel jealous. This negativity doesn’t help me do the best in what I have to do. In fact, it is true that each and every actor has a special part to play and so do I. When I remember the special role that I have to play in my life and understand its significance, I will be able to give my best to it.

Experience: Today I will remember that I am the hero actor in this drama of life. Each and everything that happens to me has a meaning and is making me better in this role. I have to excel in this role that I am playing at present. I will then be able to be free from wasteful comparisons.

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved._______

Tapping Guidance From The Supreme Intellect

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


ϒ Tapping Guidance From The Supreme Intellect – Part-1 ϒ

There are many occasions in my day-to-day life when I am not sure as to what my next course of action should be in that particular situation. The intellect is the faculty inside the soul which normally takes all decisions for the soul. But sometimes the intellect is clouded by my own or others’ sanskaras, beliefs, opinions, inclinations, assumptions, thoughts, actions, past experiences, etc.

In such a situation, I require the guidance of an entity who:

– is above the whole situation and is seeing it as a spectator or observer and is not a player in the situation,

– is the knower of the three aspects of time (the past, present and the future),

– can see the situation from all dimensions or perspectives,

– is beyond all influences and is impartial,

– is extremely pure and clear,

– knows me more than I know myself,

– knows my benefit and harm more than I know it myself,

– someone who is selfless and is concerned for my well being the most, etc.

No human entity can fulfill all these requirements.

Θ Message Θ

To start the day with positivity is to ensure success throughout the day.

Expression: When I am a journey, I choose and decide my way – where I have to go. My choice leads me on further in that way. In the same way, the first thought that I have as soon as I wake up decides the quality of my day. If I start the day with a positive thought, I will be able to pick out the best from all that the day has to offer and move ahead towards success.

Experience: Today I will check what the first thought was that I had when I woke up from bed. I will then take an aim to start the day with a positive thought. Instead of thinking “Oh God, I am late”, let me think “I am going to have a great day”. I will also create a positive thought before starting any new task.

ϒ Tapping Guidance From The Supreme Intellect – Part-2 ϒ

we had discussed how no human entity can fulfill all the necessary requirements of someone who can guide us correctly in any difficult situation. Thus to proceed in such a situation, it’s good to take the guidance from the intellect of someone who fulfills all these criteria. That someone is no one except the Supreme Being or God, who is the entity possessing the most powerful intellect, and intellect with the most perfect judgment power. Sometimes my mind and intellect is absolutely clean and clear and I am 100% sure about my right course of action for the future, but even in those times its good to verify the course of action from a higher authority. So, in those times, it is very important to connect for a few minutes with the Supreme, who is an Energy of Unlimited Truth. Then, the question to ask myself at that time is not what do I want, or what do others want, but most importantly: What does the Supreme want, what is his wish, what is his perception of the situation? The deeper my connection with Him in meditation, the clearer the answer will come.

When it becomes a regular practice, it will be as simple as taking guidance from my physical parent or spouse or friend. I’ll know without wasting time and energy, the right course of action. Sometimes it may happen that the answer may not come to me immediately, but by connecting my intellect with the Supreme’s intellect my intellect will become clear, which will help me take the right decision. Also, in some cases the Supreme may not respond immediately but may guide me through some other medium, whether living or non-living after some time or even after a day or two.

Θ Message Θ

To finish the burden of the past is to move forward with lightness and speed.

Thought to ponder: Through out the day, I may not have that much attention on myself. I may not be able to sustain a thought that I had taken for myself. But before I go to sleep, I need to check myself how I was through out the day and hand clear out all my fears, feelings etc and go to sleep. This practice will make my sleep peaceful and the next day will be beautiful too, because there is no burden of the baggage of the previous day.

Point to practice: Today I will talk to myself and God before I go to sleep. I will write down all my doubts, fears and feelings to Him. I will become light in my mind and go to sleep peacefully. Because I will, then, look forward to a brighter tomorrow.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved._______

Choosing Peace Over Anger

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


ϒ Choosing Peace Over Anger ϒ

Making the choice of peace is a simple choice, which lies in the hands of each one of us, at every moment right through the day, every day. A lot of people would choose a world, the world out there, made of peace but spend most of their time remaining peaceless in their own inner world, and then in their next door world, i.e. in their personal interactions. A lot of us would prefer a life of peace and we try to shape up such a life, only to be influenced by the old belief about how it’s absolutely fine to get angry once in a while, without which it’s difficult to get things done. We also get influenced by those people around us who continue to get angry for the shallowest of reasons. These people could be either at home, at the workplace, in the friend circle, the world at large or people who do not matter too much to us but whom we encounter every day – at the vegetable market, on the highway, or even in the movies for that matter! Unaware of the root causes of their anger, all these people around us will find a thousand ways to justify it, and will keep continuing with the habit in their lives. Their emotional un-clarity is so deep and addiction to the emotion of anger is so powerful that they will probably laugh at the idea that anger is a negative emotion and is form of weakness or suffering. They will, on the other hand, say that peace is timidity and a form of weakness or suffering. So, if you do choose peace over anger in your life then you are also choosing to be in a state of power and becoming free from suffering as a result. However, after having made that choice, to experience it in every moment of your life, it is necessary to rediscover where your peace is located inside you, it’s true nature or essence, how to access it through meditation and finally how to use it or apply it in your daily life.


Positive thoughts bring positive results.

Expression: Every thought, when left unchecked, comes into action. Just as a good seed in a good land brings quick and quality fruit, so also when we pay attention to our thoughts, they become a ground for the fortune that we want to create with our actions. Continuous positive thoughts create a ground for positive actions and so positive results.

Experience: Today I will pay attention to my thoughts. I will not think anything that will harm, but only those thoughts that construct. Today I will create a positive thought like “I am happy” or “I have everything that I want” or “God is my companion” and sustain this thought throughout the day, remembering it at least 10 times a day.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”






_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved._______

Overcoming Possessiveness And Complexes In Close Relationships

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


Overcoming Possessiveness And Complexes In Close Relationships – Part 1 

We are all aware and we all experience also that close knit family relationships are a constant source of happiness and love. But these relationships, many a times, also possess the capacity of bringing along with this love and joy, many different negative shades of possessiveness and domination, and complexes anddependencies. These are widespread ailments existing in our family relationships today, but which can be cured. Meditation is a very positive healing process which can cure the causes of these ailments, which exist inside the human souls. Once the causes are cured through meditation, relationships become extremely healthy, which provide the self from others and from the self to others, only and only positivity energy, in the form of positive and empowering thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

A common sign of these diseases is lack of respect for people close to us. As a result of an un-respectful consciousness, we sometimes behave with our nearest and dearest ones, like maybe our spouse or children or siblings (brothers or sisters) or parents, in such an offensive manner which we normally never and would not ever even think of showing towards people with whom we are not very close. It’s not just a question of mannerisms, but of inner respect for the other. So often in families, a particular fixed order in relationships, positions of higher and lower, positions of senior and junior, become established, leading to feelings of superiority and inferiority, the effects of which start penetrating in the relationships e.g. the mother-in-law is very dominating and takes it for granted that she will be listened to by the son and daughter-in-law. Or an older brother or sister orders around a younger sibling, not giving him/her enough space in which to speak his or her own mind and express himself/herself, leading to an inferiority complex in the younger sibling. Or a wife is extremely possessive of the husband, not giving him enough personal freedom. Once established, these behaviors become permanent sanskaras and tend to be carried with us through life, so that even when we have left the original family relationships and circumstances in which these behaviors existed, we bring the same personality traits into our new relationships and circumstances.


The one who is calm and cool is the one who makes the right decisions.

Expression: The natural nature of the human mind is to come under pressure and tension during negative situations. When there is a challenging situation, there is naturally the tendency to find it difficult to maintain an inner state of calm. But the one who has the ability to go within and find the inner calm is able to be clear in thinking and is able to make the right decisions.

Experience: When I am able to experience the inner state of calm, I am able to be clear in my thinking. With this clarity I find the right decisions and solutions emerging very naturally within my mind. I will never have the difficulty of having to make decisions, but all decisions are made with ease and they are right too.

Overcoming Possessiveness And Complexes In Close Relationships – Part 2 

we explain how meditation can cure these ailments with much ease. As I practice meditation, which is nothing but a practical exercise of experiencing soul consciousness, I carry that experience into my relationships. While interacting with each one of my closest of relations, I start becoming aware of myself as an eternal soul, an actor on the unlimited stage of the world, playing my act through the physical body costume and I see each one with the same consciousness. Also the realization grows that the role I am playing with others now is only one small part of the whole painting of life. I don’t know where I was, in which part of the painting and with whom, before I took this birth, nor where I will be afterwards. The same is true for those with whom I am close. Depending on the type of relationship, I do have a particular responsibility towards each one of them whilst we are playing our parts together, but this only lasts a short time within this eternal timeline e.g. as father and child, each has a particular role today, but who knows about yesterday or tomorrow?

In meditation, I stabilize in the consciousness that I am an eternal soul, and that all human beings are souls, members of a huge spiritual family. Roles will change, but as souls, we only have an unlimited spiritual relation, we are brothers, but have no other permanent physical relation. Becoming aware of this spiritual wisdom protects me against limited feelings of my mother, my husband, my sister and so on, where such feelings cause possessiveness and a desire to control, rather than pure spiritual love filled with equality. All problems are reduced in relationships, when the personality trait inside me that tries to control others, or is controlled by others, is removed. Both of these are negative behaviors, caused due to lack of inner security, not true responsibility or concern. By knowing myself as a soul, my self-respect returns and by seeing others in the same light, my respect for others returns. From this strong soul-conscious spectator point, there is an inner detachment (but not a lack of love) inside me and I’ll no longer feel a need to manipulate others or be manipulated by the other, but instead I will radiate pure feelings of genuine love, care and respect into my relationships. This causes the same energy to come back to me from my relationships.


Love creates the right environment for others’ positive growth.

Expression: Where there is love, a natural environment for others’ growth is created. Love gives the ability to perceive the positivity in others and gives the encouragement to others to bring about that positivity and use it for the benefit of the self and others.

Experience: When I have love for others, along with perceiving their specialities, I am also able to recognise and use my specialities and inner powers more and more. Knowing and using these specialities is naturally for the benefit of those around me. This gives me an inner experience of power which makes me a constant giver and a support for those around me.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





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The Wheel Of Time Turns

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


≈> The Wheel Of Time Turns – Part 1 

Remember the sweet bed time stories of your childhood which were narrated to you by your grandmother which got you off to sleep, her soft hands on your forehead and on your closed eyes. What did the story say to you? What was the message it conveyed? What was so nice about the story that you even saw the story in your mind’s eye when you slept i.e. in your dreams, which you used to call childishly – sweet dreams? The dream was a world full of happiness like Alice In Wonderland that you must have read and fantasized about many a times as a child. But Alice’s land of wonder was an imagination of its author, which brought fun in many a children’s lives.

God, who is the author of the world creation i.e. the One who has seen the wheel of time turn right from eternity and who is the divine eye which resides in the soul world up above all the galaxies of our universe and sees the world and has in Himself recorded the good as well as the negative events of the world, once wondered to Himself that what makes me God in this complete universe and what differentiates me from the humans – this particular characteristic – He knows the accurate history and geography of the world, not what we read in story books and history books but the correct chain of events as they happened without a single mistake. Mistakes did occur when history was recorded due to the limitations of the methods used in recording the history and the methods used in calculating the ages of artifacts that were found down the history lane at different points of time. Mistakes kept getting multiplied as they rode over assumptions and errors of the past. Even Darwin’s theory of evolution had its share of false beliefs on which the theory was based. The world built on Darwin’s theory to create further theories, not realizing that even Darwin, in his last days had expressed doubts regarding the evolution theory. His theory questioned the role of God as the creator and stated that man had evolved from apes. Also the Big Bang theory assumed that nothing existed before the universe was created i.e. there was no space, no matter, no energy and no time before the universe was created, which is not possible. Both these theories were challenged by many other scientists and by religion itself, but their theories were not widely accepted which left us with many incorrect beliefs that we continue to carry.


True knowledge brings humility.

Expression: True knowledge inspires and encourages one to bring about a practical change in one’s life. The one with knowledge naturally imbibes it, which is also revealed in his practical life. This is because he is humbly willing to learn from all situations. As much as there is knowledge, so much there is divinity and elevatedness revealed in all words and actions. Also such a person keeps learning from all life’s situations

Experience: To have the ability to learn from all that life brings is to have love for knowledge. Since I have love for knowledge, I am able to experience self-respect. This self-respect gives me the humility to accept situations and people as they are and keep learning. So whatever the situation or whoever the person I come across, I only find myself enriching myself and moving forward.

≈> The Wheel Of Time Turns – Part 2 

Time, we thought, was a straight line, with a beginning and probably an end which we don’t know exactly when. The Big Bang theory gave time a beginning, when the universe began. Time in fact is a circle, without a beginning or an end i.e. it is eternal. Also, the universe not only includes nature but also human souls and souls of other species, all of which are eternal i.e. they are never created or destroyed, but they do undergo change. God, who is also a part of the universe, is eternal but He is the only one who does not undergo change. Not only you but everyone, whether a child or a grown up believed that time had a beginning and God is an imagination, with no role to play in the creation of the world as per the scientific principles taught in schools, which we grew up with at the back of our heads. These scientific principles were primarily the Big Bang theory and Darwin’s theory of evolution. We lived believing that our ancestors were apes never questioning the credibility of these theories and where they had gone wrong.

God, who smiled all this while, as He was given the status of a man created concept by the supporters of these theories, since God is the creator of the world was forgotten. God, the Father of all of humanity, purifies and transforms human souls, souls of other species as well as nature, once on the wheel or circle of time, each time the time wheel turns completely and reaches the point of disorder in terms of divine qualities, and nature becomes destructive. This process is commonly called creation of the world and this process keeps the wheel spinning. He does not create humans and nature out of nothing but gives souls of all species, which are eternal, a new life or rejuvenates them when they came down in virtues and powers and become impure and he also brings nature’s elements in order. This process of transformation is the act of creation performed by God, the Father of each of the more than 7 billion human souls of the world once on the circle or wheel of time and this wheel of time keeps turning again and again, without a beginning or end.


True courage brings benefit to the self as well as to others.

Expression: When there is fear, there is some kind of danger, either for the self or for others. The one who fears, or the one who doesn’t have the courage to accept and face situations, is not able to bring out the best form within himself. Such a person is constantly thinking of excuses and is trying to blame others for the mistakes that happen.

Experience: With courage, if I am able to take up responsibility for every situation that I am faced with, I am able to be free from worry or tension. I will then be in a position to learn and so I find progress at every step in my life. I find others giving me a lot of good wishes for my sincerity. I also become an inspiration for all others too to bring about a positive change.

≈> The Wheel Of Time Turns – Part 3 

As per the laws created by science, human existence has been limited to a one birth affair because the concept of the subtle (non-physical) and eternal (it is never created or destroyed) soul has been put into the category of spiritualism by science, although there is nothing spiritual about living a soul conscious existence; it is a basic reality of living, in fact living in the right spirit, we would call it per se (exactly). Science and spirituality contradict each other and have opposing beliefs and laws on which they work. Science, in the field of human existence, works on the Big Bang theory and Darwin’s theory of evolution and spirituality works on the wisdom or knowledge given by the Supreme seed of the human world tree, whom we commonly called God. God is not an imagination but a player in the world drama just like human souls and souls of other species. He is not a theoretical concept but our Father with whom, many of us, under the influence of the science minded, have cut off our subtle connection and again put him into the category of spirituality and religion. Is God more of a Father of the religious minded and spiritually inclined and less of a Father or not a Father of the followers of science, who have questioned his role of the creator (explained in yesterday’s message)?

Every soul on this planet, belonging to any species of life, has a fixed part of certain number of births in bodies of different genders, names, physical looks and roles, which it plays in one rotation of the wheel of time or one round of the circle of time. The total part of a fixed number of births is repeated in every circle of time. Souls of one species do not take the bodies of other species, since the souls of each species have their own unique characteristics or sanskaras and do not possess the characteristics or sanskaras of the other species. One complete round of the circle of time, as revealed by God, takes 5000 years and the circle of time keeps getting played repeatedly. That is why we commonly say the universe is billions of years old. The true fact is that the universe is eternal and it has not been created by God, although God plays the role of creator in the universe when the world is in disorder, by bringing it back in order.


The one with zeal and enthusiasm is constantly tireless.

Expression: Zeal and enthusiasm brings the willingness to move forward under all circumstances. Never are there are any excuses given, whatever the difficult situations or challenges that one might be faced with. Instead whatever has to be done is done without any tiredness. Also the best is made out of all situations.

Experience: When I am able to be enthusiastic under all circumstances, I am able to be tireless. This tirelessness gives me the courage to move on and experience constant success. I become aware of my own resources and make the best use of them. So I also experience internal progress, constantly.

≈> The Wheel Of Time Turns – Part 4 

God has been remembered all over the world as the Ocean of Knowledge. That does not mean He knows everyone’s heart and the minutest detail of each human being’s thinking. But, He has in Him the complete knowledge of world events which took place throughout the world cycle, although He is a player on the planet Earth for a very short period of time and He does not see the events of the complete cycle with physical eyes because He is a resident of the soul world for most of the time. He gives the knowledge of these events of the world cycle in a nutshell (brief) when He incarnates on the Earth at the end of the world cycle. This is a wonder of nature and His unique role. Also He knows the activity of all human souls, on the planet Earth, as human beings in different phases, as they slowly descended number wise on Earth from the soul world, the other souls being in the soul world up above the sun, moon and physical stars – the soul stars, the non-physical beings of consciousness or living beings of light which shined in the pure realm (world) of soft golden red light, a world which we call paramdham or shantidham ornirvandham in Hindi and soul world or incorporeal world in English.

God has also in Him stored the knowledge of each soul in the soul world, when it left the soul world to play its part through the physical body on the planet Earth below and the different roles it played on Earth. Souls start leaving the soul world at the beginning of the 5000 year repetitive cycle. As time progresses, the soul world starts emptying. God plays the role of creator or transformer at the end of one cycle and before the beginning of the next cycle by filling souls of all species with the seven primary virtues of peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and spiritual wisdom or truth, when all souls have arrived on planet Earth and have reached a state of impurity; which brings them back to their original purity levels and gives birth to the new cycle.


The method to finish a weakness is to be detached from it.

Expression: When there is some weakness working within that has to be overcome, it is very essential for one to get detached from it, that means not to identify with the weakness. If there is an identification with the weakness, it is further strengthened and there is the inability to get rid of it. Since it is there in the consciousness, it is visible in the words and actions too.

Experience: When I am free from the identification with the weakness, I am able to bring about a change very quickly. I find it very easy to stabilise myself in the awareness of my strength and allow that strength to be revealed in all my words and actions. There is no heaviness of the weakness nor is there the feeling of having to give up something, but transformation takes place very easily.

≈> The Wheel Of Time Turns – Part 5 

God was always a permanent resident of the soul world and a spectator of everything happening below for the first 2500 years of the 5000 year world cycle, when the world was completely pure. Even conception or reproduction or the process which initiates the formation of the birth of a child or offspring in this world is a subtle process and a completely non-lustful process although the actual process of the creation of the baby inside the mother’s womb is very much a physical one. Non-lustful processes of reproduction or conception without the physical union of two genders exist even in the present world in a few animals, plants, fish, birds, insects and lesser developed organisms.

The method can be compared to the theory of psychosomatic illnesses, wherein the thought patterns of the mind, whether positive or negative have a beneficial or harmful effect respectively on the recovery of the illness which exists inside the physical body of a human, which is an example of the non-physical influencing the physical. In the same way, the non-physical technique of reproduction is a meeting of pure thoughts between the two parents i.e. the male and the female, wherein both carry a powerful and positive thought to bring the new creation or baby in the world, which causes the sanskaras of the new child to become like the sanskaras of the two parents on a non-physical level. On looking at the makeup of the systems in the present human body, one might wonder that this is impossible. But, an important point to note is that the systems of the body have evolved (changed) from what they were 5000 years ago. The five elements of nature which make up the physical body and its systems have also changed and become more impure as compared to what they were around 5000 years ago, resulting in a rise in physical illnesses or ailments. Physical body processes, related to the systems, have also changed and gone down in their purity levels. Also, the power of thought in the pure world, where extremely pure souls that have just come down from the soul world is immense which can influence nature much more than our thoughts today.


Greatness lies in revealing one’s own speciality.

Expression: Greatness means recognising one’s own speciality and being a donor with it. It also means being royal and great in what is given to the mind – that means giving the mind only the positive. When there is greatness in this way there is speciality and uniqueness seen in every act of mine.

Experience: When I am able to perceive my inner greatness, I am able to be content because there are no expectations, but there’s only a feeling of being a giver. I find myself to be light and easy and enjoying each moment of my life, slowly moving towards perfection. I am also able to attain the blessings and good wishes from others.

≈> The Wheel Of Time Turns – Part 6 

there are real life recorded instances in nature where metal spoons can be bent and the growth of plants can be influenced positively just by the power of thought, without touching. The process of reproduction in humans of the pure world, explained in yesterday’s message, has not been recorded in history books but evidences of the same are found in the form of references in many of our religious books or shastras. Even in Christianity, it is believed that Jesus Christ was born without any physical contact to virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit of God, that too just about 2000 years ago. That, at a time, when lust had started becoming prevalent in the world and had begun to be seen as natural and existing from the beginning, which was an incorrect perception. Also, the souls coming down from the soul world at that time were not as pure as the ones that descend in the pure world and souls that have descended in the pure world i.e. in the beginning, have also lost their purity after having gone through many lifecycles of birth and death. Approximately 500 years before Christ and after 2500 years of a pure world existence, is the gradual beginning of the impure world.

When purity is lost, slowly over a period of time, the emotions that are born from purity – peace, love and joy also slowly started reducing in human hearts and human relationships leading to hatred, peacelessness and war in the human state of affairs, which is the story of the next 2500 years. This period of 2500 years is called the dark night of humanity while the first 2500 years is the day. This dark period is the time when humans started disobeying the spiritual laws of karma and lost their way due to a lack of spiritual wisdom. Also, God was remembered a lot in this night and temples, churches and mosques were created as a symbol of this remembrance and to remind man of the higher spiritual parent. It is a wonder of the 5000 year world drama that God descends on Earth only after impurity and sorrow reaches its maximum i.e. when a few years of the 2500 years long night are remaining, approximately 100 years before the 5000 year period is about to end, to perform His task of creating a new world order based of complete purity.


To receive respect from others comes more with responsibility than as a right.

Expression: The one who gets respect is the one who becomes worthy of it rather than the one who just expects it. True respect comes from how well a task is done rather than what is done. The more one’s speciality is expressed, the more one becomes worthy of respect.

Experience: When I go on giving my best in whatever is expected of me, I will start receiving respect from those around me. I will then never expect from others but will naturally be able to give respect to all. This further makes me earn their love and regard.

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





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Carrying Feelings Experienced In Meditation Into My Interactions

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


© Carrying Feelings Experienced In Meditation Into My Interactions ®

If I keep close contact with my internal self, to check what my feelings are like and I maintain the meditativeawareness at many moments during the day, even if it is for very short periods of time, I will find that the good feelings I have experienced through conscious choice, in meditation, I carry them with me into my interactions with others. Then, in any exchange, although the other person’s thoughts, words or actions may not be as I would like them to be, I’ll be better equipped to maintain a good feeling towards that individual, and towards myself.

For example, I meditate in the morning and then leave home and find myself in a situation in the office where two of my colleagues are arguing over an issue. When I try and intervene, one of them gets aggressive with me as well, but the feelings of peace I experienced in my meditation a couple of hours ago are still with me, using which I do not reacting angrily or fearfully. In fact, if my peace is powerful enough, it will make the other one also peaceful.

So the key is to emerge and collect positive feelings through meditation at regular intervals during the day. And then become a donor of positive feelings to negative situations as discussed above is an invaluable achievement. It is good for my own wellbeing, and for contributing to the creation of a peaceful atmosphere wherever I am, whenever required.


To pay constant attention towards positivity is to be free from tension.

Expression: To pay attention means not to think, speak or do anything waste, negative or even ordinary. The one who keeps attention in this way and also allows no negativity from outside to go within, is always free from tension. There is also the proper use of everything that is available.

Experience: When I am able to pay constant attention and also use the inner treasures within for a positive purpose, there is the use of the inner potential. When there is the recognition and use of this potential within in this way, negativity finishes; just as sunshine finishes darkness.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

Please Share your comment`s.

© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved._______

The Benefits Of Togetherness Over Isolation

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


The Benefits Of Togetherness Over Isolation ®

Nowadays, there are more and more people who are choosing to live alone. Perhaps the reason for that are experiences in the past of pain, peacelessness, rejection, disappointment or failure when living together, in a relationship or even more than one relationship. As a result, the preference for living alone sets inside them. Perhaps, it is their alternative search for peace, happiness and success that leads them to make this decision. Also, the belief that if you live alone, you are free and you can do what you want, when you want and without having to explain yourself to anyone. But are we, as human beings, basically by nature, meant to live together or to live alone? Each human being has the need to belong and provide that feeling to others. You can belong to a family, a group of friends, a bunch of close school or college students, some office colleagues, a club, a community, a religious group etc. The mere presence of others; the participation, communication and collaboration with others; the assistance provided to others and received from them and the sharing of positive energy with others in a group; inspires and challenges us and others immensely. The same can happen, if we are staying alone, but to a limited extent. Greater inner spiritual empowerment takes place inside those who live and work together, not those who distance themselves from others. In a group, we broaden our limits and make our heart bigger when we do things for others that we wouldn’t do for ourselves.

Each human being is a source of love for others. It is a basic human nature to love and be loved, which is not possible unless there is some kind of unity or mutual belonging. Distancing or isolating oneself implies an absence of love, neither given or shared, neither received.


The virtues of honesty and courage bring success.

Expression: The one who is courageous is never deterred by challenges, but moves on towards success. Combined with courage, is the virtue of honesty which allows one to be consistent, sincere and true in the efforts put in. So success comes with proper effort and there is also humility visible in such a person.

Experience: When I am courageous, but at the same time honest in my efforts that I put in for achieving success, I’ll never have ego. I will be able to get the cooperation and good will of all, and especially the protection and the help of God. I will find myself moving slowly towards success with everything I do.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

Please Share your comment`s.

© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”





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Tuning The Mind, Intellect And Personality (Sanskars)

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


© Tuning The Mind, Intellect And Personality (Sanskars®

The soul, is made up of three faculties – the mind, intellect and personality (sanskars). In order to tune these to the highest degree of subtlety, precision and efficiency; we need to connect with the Supreme Soul, who is also a soul, just like us, but has a perfect mind and intellect along with perfect sanskars:

Mind – The Supreme Being or God is an embodiment of positivity – negative and waste do not find a place in his mind.

Intellect – He is also the purest living energy in the entire universe – he is the innocent Lord; a being of conscious light, who has never taken a body and thus never experienced the five vices – lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment.

Sanskars – God is the ocean of the basic virtues of the soul and of humanity – peace, love, bliss, joy, power and purity.

By this connection, gradually over a period of time, our mind, intellect and sanskars begin to become like his – mind becomes full of positivity; intellect begins to become pure and is able to take correct decisions so that right karmas are performed and sanskars become full of the virtues mentioned above.


Your humility enables people to realize their mistakes and correct themselves.

Expression: Real humility results in so much power of truth that you don’t need to say anything at all in words. The very power of your inner state of being will make the other person realize the error of their ways.

Experience: When you are giving directions or corrections to someone, check your own attitude, remind yourself of the humility within and then say whatever you have to say. With humility your words will be for their benefit and this will enable them to learn.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

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© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”




_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved.________

Returning To The Inner Seat Of Mental Comfort And Peace

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


© Returning To The Inner Seat Of Mental Comfort And Peace ®

At the end of a busy and hurry filled and many a times even peaceless day at office, everyone goes home, to do what? Even a housewife, who has had a busy day in the kitchen and with the children, will yearn to do want at the end of the day? Sit, lie down, relax and experience peace. Just as each one of us returns home or to the comfort of the bedroom at the end of each day; each time we experience any of the various forms of anger in our words or actions or even in our thoughts, sooner or later, we will try to return to what we instinctively and intuitively know is the truth, what is right and good, to the inner seat of our own mental comfort and peace, which is our original and basic sanskara, peacelessness being an acquired one. It’s as if we know when we are set on this seat that we have access to our inner power. It’s as if we know that we can only be comfortable, powerful, blissful and content when we are first peaceful.

Sitting on this seat also provides us with the ability and the power to influence others. A proof of the fact is that all of us have, sometime or the other, known someone who lived their life peacefully but assertively (not weakly or timidly). They expressed themselves peacefully and interacted with others free of any traces of anger in their personality, and they stayed, more or less, positively peaceful and peacefully positive. We remember that person for much longer than the one who is always finding an excuse to use the weapon of anger when things or people do not go his way or get things or people to be as he would want. The peaceful nature of another makes a deeper and more lasting impression on our hearts than the angry nature of another. And when we are in the presence of such a peaceful person, we always allow them into our lives much more and for longer periods of time. In the same way, when we function from our inner seat of mental peace, we are able to influence others and make a lasting impression on others much more.


God’s love brings out the perfection from within.

Expression: The power of God’s love brings about change internally. Through His love everything old and unwanted finishes. There is the natural tendency to bring about such perfection that the one who loves Him and gets His love becomes like a mirror – a mirror in which perfection of others too is visible.

Experience: There is such inner strength that I get because of God’s love that even if somebody does something to hurt me, I don’t allow myself to get hurt. Even if people are saying negative things, they don’t influence or touch me in a negative way. I am so full with God’s love that it naturally flows out to those around me.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

Please Share your comment`s.

© आप सभी का प्रिय दोस्त ®

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”




_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved.________

Receiving The Gifts Of God

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


© Receiving The Gifts Of God – Part 1 ®

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with the highest authority in the universe, to have a meeting of a few seconds or a few minutes or a few hours with God, the ocean of knowledge, the ocean of love, the ocean of power and the ocean of bliss? In this message series, we would like to present in front of you, with a humble heart, an attitude of obedient service and a sweet, pure intention of sharing, our collective experiences of such meetings in our daily lives.

Have you ever imagined that you can tie God with the strings of love to your heart i.e. you were to come so close to him whereby he would be just like any other person in your life, someone with whom you can discuss just about anything that you wished, someone whom you could confide in, someone whom you can give your heart to, someone from whom you can receive helpful friendly responses when you are faced with difficulties, someone whom you can call out to with the voice of your heart and receive the gift of his company in less than a second, someone whom you can receive sustenance from just like physical parents give to their children, someone from whom you can receive secrets of living life the right way and be free from confusion, someone whom you can dance in joy with when he showers your life with success, someone who fills your intellect and nature with thousands of virtues and powers, someone whose angelic hands you experience on your head while performing the most routine actions of the day, someone who offers you the fortune to help him in his task of world transformation? This is the beautiful blessing to the present moments in the history of humanity, also called the most auspicious and most valuable Confluence Age (or Sangamyuga), between the Iron Age (or Kaliyuga) and the future Golden Age (or Satyuga), when God is distributing the gifts of his beautiful company and offering the canopy of his love to all his children, the lucky soul-stars of the Earth.


When you are full with the treasure of good things that you have imbibed you begin to donate to others too.

Expression: Check if you are expecting either from others or from situations or you are yourself a donor. Where there is any kind of emptiness within there is expectation and you will not be able to give others.

Experience: Practice looking at your own specialities and see what you can contribute to others from this treasure. When you make the practice of sharing the good things you have, you’ll stop expecting from others.

© Receiving The Gifts Of God – Part 2 ®

From our experience, the most beautiful gift of the present time, is the start of our daily routine, which begins in the lap of love of the Supreme Father (whom we all have experienced to be a subtle being of light, full of spiritual love) either as a point source of magnetic spiritual light, someone whose aura is so supremely charged that it envelopes the being of light or soul or the inner me completely or in the angelic form, through which we experience the multifarious (different types of) human relationships which we play on the physical world stage, but in their most perfect and pristine (pure) form. We normally rise up very early at around 3.30 a.m., which is also called Amritvela or the sweet nectar time, when a rising song is played and after freshening up; perform the meeting with this Supreme Light in both the forms (explained above) from 4 a.m. to 4.45 a.m. The meeting is a visualization process, because the meeting is not visible to the physical eyes. The posture of the meeting is a simple one, just sitting cross-legged or on a chair comfortably, with the eyes open and soft red light illuminating the room, where the relaxation exercise is performed. Gentle flute like music or of a similar type is normally played in the background and a soothing song is normally played at the start and just before the end of the beautiful meeting of hearts of the soul and its father, its mother, its beloved, its best friend, its teacher and its guru all submerged into a single entity – the Supreme Ocean of Love, the Father of Fathers, commonly called God.

Love for both forms of remembrance of God – the point form and the angelic form is an integral part of the life at the Brahma Kumaris. Even during the day, five times, a short song is played amidst actions where we transfer our consciousness from action and connect through both these mediums (also calledmind traffic control), thereby maintaining the love filled connection constantly. The point form is a powerful connection which strengthens the inner being or soul, purifies it immensely and fills it with the seven primary virtues whereas the angelic meeting is a loveful soft union with the Supreme, where the soul not only gets cleansed but can eat, sleep and play with the Supreme; hold his hands, relax with and sit in his lap and also experience his warm touch and absorb his spiritual energy through his angelic vision or drishti and be face-to-face with him, just like making a meeting similar to one we make in the physical world.


Become the ones who make efforts continuously and experience constant self-progress.

Expression: Check if there is any doubt within you whether you’ll succeed or not. If there is any such doubt it means that your effort is not continuous. Where there is constant effort you experience constant progress.

Experience: Each day remind yourself of at least one thing that you have achieved for the day. When you make a habit in this way, you will be able to notice and experience the fruit of the effort that you put in.

© Receiving The Gifts Of God – Part 3 ®

A very significant aspect of life with the Brahma Kumaris, whether surrendered in the organization or staying at home and performing a homemaker’s or/and professional role and following all the principles of the Brahma Kumaris is listening to a four page spiritual lesson at any of the Brahma Kumaris official centres everyday. The lesson is a common one i.e. the same on a particular day at all centres all over the world in around 110 countries, which is read by an experienced teacher of the meditation and spiritual wisdom as shared by the Brahma Kumaris. It is called murli or the flute of knowledge by us. It is conducted in the mornings at around 7 a.m. at the centres, and is held after early morning meditation and following the morning duties dedicated to the physical body and some light house work. All members of the organization have experienced drastic transformation in their personality and also an immense increase in their happiness levels and a capacity to remain empowered amidst difficult worldly situations by receiving this morning gift for even a few months from God.

To end on a note dedicated to our love for the Supreme, we would like to share our warm feelings with you by reminding you that our hearts have longed for a life in the canopy of God over thousands of years and it is our personal wish that when God is offering the treasures of his divine company to his soul-children, we do not miss the amazing opportunity of filling our hands full with these treasures and distributing the same to each and every human being whom we meet and bringing smiles back on their faces in demanding times of busy schedules and tight deadlines combined with difficulties in all spheres of our lifestyles including inner pressures due to various reasons. So let us awaken and come together under one umbrella of God’s spiritual love and a common bond between all of us – one of spiritual brotherhood and join hands together and make the most benefit of the present moments. There will come a time in the near future when these precious moments will no longer be available and easy to savour (enjoy) as the cycle of time turns further and time enters a phase of unexpectedness with the world atmosphere deteriorating and sorrow in human hearts increasing and God becoming difficult to remember and even God taking up a stance of detachment, due to the same and not offering his love in the same way.


You can remain stable when you learn to apply a full-stop.

Expression: In any difficult situation, check if you are having thoughts like, “why do things happen with me like this or why is this person behaving in this way” etc. you can never remain stable when you have such questions.

Experience: Tell yourself that it is much easier to put a full-stop(.) than putting a question mark(?). understand the difference between worrying and finding solutions and worrying. If there is a solution, find it, if there isn’t let things take care of themselves and put a full-stop.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

Please Share your comment`s.

आपका सबका प्रिय दोस्त,

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”




_______Copyright © 2015 kmsraj51.com All Rights Reserved.________

The Spiritual Seed And The Human World Tree

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


The Spiritual Seed And The Human World Tree 

Spirituality introduces God or the Supreme Being as a seed, a point of reference, the spiritual Pole Star, remembered by all souls all over the world. But over a period of time, with an experience of linking my mind and intellect with Him, we realize that although He is a seed, a point, He is a not a non-living seed but a living one with a unique personality of his own, a personality which no one can match, a personality of spiritual truth, of beauty, of purity, of generosity, of love, of giving, of peace, of humility, of bliss, of power, of sweetness etc. How is this possible? We normally think of a seed as inactive or dormant, despite the enormous potential that lies within it, due to which it gives rise to a complete tree and bears fruits and other products. God is the seed of the human world tree. When I see virtues around me, whether it be in all human souls including deities, prophets, saints and the founders of the great religions or animals or nature, I know that ultimately this comes from God but God is not all pervasive, i.e. he is not present in all humans or nature or in the divine souls, but everything that is good in them comes from the virtues that are present in God or basically from the personality of God (mentioned above), because the tree is the creation of the seed, so all that is positive in the tree has come from the Source, the seed, perhaps sometime in the past. But, despite the goodness which is visible; today, peacelessness and pain do not seem to have reduced, and have probably increased, if we look behind the false covering of material success. The goodness is only in small patches. So what is the need of our times?

To spiritually uplift myself, I, being a part of the creation, a part of the tree, need to catch the positive energy within God, the creator, the seed. This energy is subtle, in that it is non-physical, but it is also glowing like light, and in meditation I can catch that glow, absorb it and feel its spiritual embrace healing me and making me complete or full. At the present moment, recognizing this need, the Supreme Being is shining the light of His personality through pure thought and vibrations more brightly than ever into the human world tree, inviting us: Oh sweet child, come and reclaim for yourselves your birthright, the inheritance of truth, by absorbing the qualities inherent in me through meditation or a spiritual link with me and making them your own.


A powerful stage is like a switch which finishes darkness of negativity in a second.

Expression: Darkness is dispelled when a light is switched on. Similarly, a powerful stage is also a light switch. When this switch is on, one can put an end to all wasteful darkness and no longer have to labour to stop any wasteful thoughts. By becoming powerful, one can naturally become a donor, as there is nothing waste within.

Experience: When I am aware of my positive qualities and what I can contribute to others, I am able to be powerful. This naturally enables me to be light and spread the inner light to others. I am never influenced negatively with any kind of waste or negative, but am always able to maintain my own positivity and that of others too.

Watch Peace of Mind TV on following DTH
TATA(Sky # 192 | Airtel Digital TV # 686 | Videocon d2h # 497 | Reliance BigTV # 171 |

online www.pmtv.in

Please Share your comment`s.

आपका सबका प्रिय दोस्त,

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

Also mail me ID: cymtkmsraj51@hotmail.com (Fast reply)


– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”




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Self Responsibility

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


Self ResponsibilityPart 1 

There are certain laws which are involved in our actions and interactions. They are not human laws requiring lawyers to interpret or the police to put into action. They are natural laws which are constantly operating in every relationship. They are often called the Laws of Karma (action): briefly described by the saying – As you sow, so you shall reap, described by Isaac Newton as the Third Law of Motion i.e. for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Laws of Karma remind us that whatever quality of energy we give out, we get back. This might not be exactly tit for tat, but if we give happiness to someone, it will come back to us; if we give pain or sorrow, it will come back, perhaps not today or tomorrow, but at some time in the future.

Most of us are conditioned by the idea that we are responsible for some of our actions, but not all of them. For example, we would consider ourselves responsible for the actions which improved our company’s business but would not consider ourselves responsible for not being on good terms with our spouse. If, as parents, we worked hard in educating our children and they grew up to become well placed and successful individuals in their lives, we would consider ourselves responsible. If on the other hand they don’t make it to the top and are not so successful, we will blame our children for not putting enough effort or maybe the education system for the same. So we are selective in taking responsibility for our actions.

Through spirituality, we are reminded of the unchangeable laws of cause and effect, which awakens our awareness of our true responsibility for each and every action that we perform.

© Message ©

Faith in one’s progress brings contentment.

Expression: Even when the situation is not according to what is expected, there is contentment for the one who has faith in his own progress. Such a person will not just sit back waiting for things to change nor will he just curse his fate. Instead he’ll do his best and use all his resources in bettering the situation.

Experience: The understanding that all life’s situations are a training for me, automatically keeps me content in all situations. There is naturally an experience of constant progress and a feeling of having gained something from all situations.

Self ResponsibilityPart 2 

Because we have forgotten the principle of karmic returns (discussed yesterday), we have learned to avoid taking responsibility for many of our actions. We fail to see the impact of our actions upon others and we fail to see that the real meaning of responsibility is responding correctly. Life can be seen as a series of responses which we each create in our interactions with other people and events. As is the quality of our ability to respond (energy given), so will be the quality of the return (energy received). The Laws of Karma also serve to remind us that the situations in our life, the quality of our body, wealth, relationships etc. and the type of person we are today are the result of what we thought and did yesterday, last month, last year, perhaps in our last birth. Many people do not like this idea or find it difficult to accept because most of us have been taught that our destiny lies in someone else’s hands or in the hands of fate or luck, about which we can do nothing. The Law of Karma or the Law of Reciprocity teaches us that there is no such thing as luck and that whatever happens to us today is the result of our positive or negative actions in the past. If you spend a few moments reflecting on events in your life, without being judgmental, you will begin to see connections between actions and results, causes and effects. When you see how all effects have their causes, you will then be convinced that this universal law is at work in your life at all times.

© Message ©

The ones who are constantly happy are truly fortunate.

Expression: Whatever the kind of situations needed to be faced, whoever the people and the different kind of personalities they come into contact with, the ones who are fortunate constantly enjoy. They also continue to take benefit and bring benefit to others too. Their fortune lies in their ability to perceive the positive aspect in everything and take benefit accordingly.

Experience: When I am able to be happy under all circumstances, I am able to make the best use of whatever I have with me. I then find myself full of all resources. I don’t think of what I don’t have but I am aware of and make the best use of what I have. So I find myself to be always lucky. I constantly move forward.

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आपका सबका प्रिय दोस्त,

Krishna Mohan Singh(KMS)
Head Editor, Founder & CEO
of,,  http://kmsraj51.com/

———– @ Best of Luck @ ———–


यदि आपके पास हिंदी या अंग्रेजी में कोई Article, Inspirational StoryPoetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है: kmsraj51@hotmail.com. पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

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– कुछ उपयोगी पोस्ट सफल जीवन से संबंधित –

* विचारों की शक्ति-(The Power of Thoughts)

KMSRAJ51 के महान विचार हिंदी में।

* खुश रहने के तरीके हिन्दी में।

* अपनी खुद की किस्मत बनाओ।

* सकारात्‍मक सोच है जीवन का सक्‍सेस मंत्र 

* चांदी की छड़ी।

kmsraj51- C Y M T

“सफलता का सबसे बड़ा सूत्र”(KMSRAJ51)

“स्वयं से वार्तालाप(बातचीत) करके जीवन में आश्चर्यजनक परिवर्तन लाया जा सकता है। ऐसा करके आप अपने भीतर छिपी बुराईयाें(Weakness) काे पहचानते है, और स्वयं काे अच्छा बनने के लिए प्रोत्सािहत करते हैं।”

In English

Amazing changes the conversation yourself can be brought tolife by. By doing this you Recognize hidden within the buraiyaensolar radiation, and encourage good solar radiation to becomethemselves.

 ~KMSRAJ51 (“तू ना हो निराश कभी मन से” किताब से)

“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”




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