Brahma Kumaris – Soul Sustenance and Message for the day !!

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..


“95+ देश के पाठकों द्वारा पढ़ा जाने वाला हिन्दी वेबसाइट है.””


Soul Sustenance 14-04-2014

Effect Of Food On The Mind – Part 1

In harmony with our great spiritual, religious and wisdom traditions, the Brahma Kumaris places great importance on food. Whilst modern science tends to take a technician’s approach and sees the molecules, chemical compounds and nutrients that feed the body; we look at a more spiritual, holistic perspective which places a sacred significance on what we eat, seeing how the food’s energy can touch, heal and nourish the soul as well. The body needs sustenance but so does the soul: we must absorb, assimilate and integrate spiritual energy as well as physical energy from our food. Practitioners of the Raja Yoga meditation, which the Brahma Kumaris teaches, are typically lacto-vegetarians (diet is a vegetarian diet which includes dairy products). They believe that non-violence is an essential characteristic of the spiritually awakened individual and that the essence of the human soul is peace, tranquility and love. If the internal workings of the soul are disturbed, by eating the wrong type of food then the individual is not able to enjoy meditative serenity (peacefulness). The meditator sees that whatever food is eaten has an effect on the mind, in a subtle form, in a similar way in which alcohol or intoxicating drugs can dramatically change our mood and power of judgment.

We shall be explaining the different types of foods tomorrow …

Message for the day 14-04-2014

To be powerful is to destroy unwanted habits.

Expression: To be powerful means to be aware of one’s own hidden powers and to use these powers in destroying old unwanted habits. It is to apply a powerful brake to the thoughts in a second, so that there is the ability to master the situation. Such a person does not fall prey to the situation but makes effort to become a destroyer of the weakness in a second.

Experience: When I am able to use my inner powers I am able to apply a brake to my thoughts in a second. I am able to finish old unwanted habits and be free from the burden of having to be with negativity. So I am able to be a master who is well equipped to face all situations in life. And I am able to be successful both in relationships and in my work.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


यदि आपके पास Hindi या English में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

95+ देश के पाठकों द्वारा पढ़ा जाने वाला हिन्दी वेबसाइट है,,

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Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-04-2014

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..


95+ देश के पाठकों द्वारा पढ़ा जाने वाला हिन्दी वेबसाइट है,,

Soul Sustenance 12-04-2014

Universal Concepts About The Supreme Being or God – Part 3

Continuing from yesterday’s message:

The Zoroastrians worship God as fire (Indian Zoroastrians are called Parsis).

The ancient Egyptians worshiped the sun as God.

A Buddhist sect in Japan focuses the mind on a small oval shape. They call it Karni, the Peace-giver.

The Jews have the Menorah (a candlestick or holder for many candles together) which when lit is a memory of the form of God as light.

It seems therefore that human beings, without realizing, have all been worshipping and trying to discover the same God. There is only one God and His form is light. If union between the soul and the Supreme Soul is to take place, it can only be possible if there is knowledge and experience of that form.

On the basis of our (soul and the Supreme Soul) similarities of form and place of residence, I learn from God of my own original sanskars of peace, purity, love, knowledge, power and bliss. As I tune my thoughts to Him, His influence fills these original qualities in me. He is the perfect and infinite fountain, indeed the ocean, of these qualities. His superiority lies in the depth, clarity and continuity of His divine sanskars. Whilst human souls fluctuate between peace and peacelessness; love and hatred; knowledge and ignorance; sorrow and joy, God is ever constant and above and beyond these fluctuations.

Message for the day 12-04-2014

Humility wins hearts.

Expression: The one who is humble is able to put the other person forward. Such a person recognizes, appreciates and uses the specialities of others for the success of any task. So, along with giving the best, he is also able to bring out the best in the other person too. So, he is able to do the best in any task.

Experience: When I am humble, I experience harmony in relationships. I am able to learn from the different experiences and make myself better and better each day. So, I experience success in all I do. I am also able to win the hearts of others and get good wishes from them.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


यदि आपके पास Hindi या English में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!


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Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 11-04-2014

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..

Soul Sustenance 11-04-2014

Universal Concepts About The Supreme Being or God – Part 2

Just as a candle flame emerges from a point source and assumes an oval form, mystics and saints throughout the passage of time have had visions of God as a point of self-luminous light with an oval aura.

Most religions have images, idols or memorials, having one name or the other to represent God as light or as an oval shape.

Throughout India there are statues of an oval-shaped image. They are called Shivalingas, and are thought to represent the Creator Himself. The names of the temples of Shiva confirm this: Somnath, the Lord of Nectar; Vishwanath, The Lord of the Universe; Mukteshwara, the Lord of Liberation, etc..

In the Old Testament of the Bible, it is mentioned that Moses had a vision of light as a burning bush in the desert. Jesus also referred to God as light. In some Christian ceremonies, during the ceremonies, an ostensorio is held up. The ostensorio is a golden ball with many rays radiating from it. Perhaps this is a symbolic representation of God.

Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism called Him Ek Omkar, Nirakar, the one non-physical (bodiless) being or soul.

According to Islamic legend, when Adam left paradise he came to a low hill upon which he saw a shining white oval stone. Around this stone he circled seven times praising God. He then built the Kaaba. By the time of Abraham it needed to be rebuilt as a temple to honour the one God. The town of Mecca grew around this spot. This oval stone, later called Sang-e-aswad and now ‘blackened’ by the kisses of millions of sinners, so they say, is the only object of worship in the whole of Islam.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 11-04-2014

Where there is faith, there is greatness.

Expression: To have faith means to recognize the positivity in the self, in others and in situations. It also means a deep connection with God. The one who has faith is able to bring out the greatness in everything and everyone. So such a person reveals his greatness wherever he is.

Experience: When I have unbroken faith, I have the understanding that everything that happens is for some good cause. So, I am satisfied with everything that happens in my life. So I am creative in my responses to the environment, which in turn, makes me truly great.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


यदि आपके पास Hindi या English में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!


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“Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 27-01-2014”

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..

Soul Sustenance 27-03-2014

Forgive To Forget

A key principle to remain light and stable in relationships is – forgive and forget – it’s a well-known principle – one that we sometimes find difficult to practice. It can be modified to forgive to forget. Sometimes we spend many years with so much bitterness inside us for a particular person, with an inner violence of wanting to make the other pay (emotions of revenge), the one who has supposedly hurt you. If you don’t strike back immediately, you at least want to keep this guilt card in your pocket, to be pulled out at a later date: “Oh yes, well what about the time when you….” We keep this bitterness inside us because we haven’t forgiven. It does not resolve the situation; the only thing it does is increase our pain, makes us heavy and does not let us remain in peace. So the key is that if we do not forgive, we cannot forget. When someone has offended or insulted us, the last thing we want to do is to let it go. And yet, if our desire is to have a healthy, lasting relationship, that is exactly what we’ve got to do.

Sometimes, when it is a question of a broken relationship, it is not only a matter of forgiving the other, but of forgiving yourself for having allowed yourself to enter that experience. It was you that took the step to allow that experience to be entered into. If you hadn’t taken that step, you wouldn’t have had that experience. You accepted that challenge, that relationship, and what might happen in it – you were aware of the possibilities when you entered in the relationship. So not only do you have to learn to forgive the other, but also to forgive yourself in such situations. Only then will you be able to forget.

Message for the day 27-03-2014

Contentment makes one virtuous.

Expression: The one who is content is free from selfishness, yet is concerned about filling the self with inner treasures. Such a person finds his stock of treasures always full and overflowing. So his thoughts, words and actions are those that are constantly bringing benefit to those around.

Experience: When I am always content, I always experience myself to be victorious. I am easily able to learn from all situations and use all my experiences to move forward. Also I become a giver. I thus get the love and good wishes of those around me and am also able to experience constant progress.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

यदि आपके पास Hindi में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

95 kmsraj51 readers

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“Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 26-01-2014”

KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month
KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month
95 kmsraj51 readers

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..
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Soul Sustenance 26-03-2014

The Life Jacket Of Hope

In the midst of the constant changes of life and confusing or chaotic situations, hope, becomes our life jacket, which helps us to keep afloat and not to drown in the hurricane that at times causes unexpected or sudden changes. Without hope, we expect the worst. Our vision gets cloudy; we do not find or see any ray of light to see by. The mind fills with questions, allowing it to be overpowered by doubts and insecurity. Fear takes control of us and everything turns into a mountain or an un-climbable wall. It seems to us that we will not be able to get out of the difficult and critical moments, or it will be difficult for us to get out of the “hole”. We feel incapable of going forward. Fear and doubt paralyze us and prevent us from deciding with clarity and acting with determination. We need to find support or help and, when we don’t get it, we go even further down.

Living with hope keeps us awake. With hope we are open to the opportunities that life offers us. We overcome fear and expect the best. With hope our forces are joined in order to deal with and overcome difficulties. We maintain the vision that everything will get better and things will streamline themselves, giving out benefits to all. Hope helps us to keep the meaning of our life alive.

Message for the day 26-03-2014

Cooperation brings beauty and growth.

Expression: Everyone seeks for cooperation from others, but the beauty lies in cooperating with others. True cooperation is that which is given with the heart and touches the lives of others positively. It inspires others to be cooperative too. This is the true help that one can extend to others.

Experience: When I am able to be cooperative with others and provide them with the help that they require, I am able to enjoy the joy of giving unconditionally. I am free from expectations from others and I am able to enjoy the growth that I perceive in others. I don’t expect others to change for me but because they can improve.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

यदि आपके पास Hindi में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

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