Meditation – A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining

Kmsraj51 की कलम से…..


Meditation – A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining – Part 1

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining.


Meditation is a useful method to help human beings redirect their life positively and healthily, and to achieve inner stability. The word meditation comes from the Latin word mederi, which means cure. Curing the inner self is not a matter of taking medicines, but it involves re-establishing the balance through knowing oneself, having the correct attitudes and making the correct use of mental and emotional energy.

In meditation, we learn to observe our inner self and recover the resources that can cleanse (heal) and harmonize us: peace, love, truth, wisdom, purity and happiness. Through concentrated thought we learn to let these positive and pure energies manifest (show) themselves in our conscience and in our day-to-day actions.

– Message –

Trust comes when there is mutual respect.

Expression: It is normally experienced that it is difficult to trust people around me. I do want to but the negative experiences do not let me do so. I add up to this negative experience with each incident that happens, which further breaks my trust for people.

Experience: The only way to trust and gain people’s trust is by having respect for them. Respect makes me look at the specialities in everyone and I am able to relate to these specialities. The more I look at the positive aspect in others, the more I am able to encourage others to use these specialities and relate to my own specialities too. This is the only way that trust comes.

Meditation – A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining – Part 2

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining.


In Greek, the word meditation is translated as dialogismos, from which comes the English word dialogue. Meditation is a dialogue with oneself, with the true self; a very necessary process for developing self-knowledge and accumulating inner strength.

The basis of spiritual dialogue with oneself is introspection. Introspection is the ability to examine and change oneself, as one wants to or should do. Without a consistent re-evaluation of our attitudes and thought models, negative habits easily dominate our consciousness. A healthy dialogue with our inner selves means that we interact positively with others, without being trapped or lost in ourselves. Introspection involves being an observer: observing and not reacting to situations or people with negative emotions such as anger, hate, fear, resentment and jealousy. Being detached observers helps us conserve our inner energy and keeps us spiritually, mentally and emotionally healthy.

– Message –

To be free from the burden of responsibility is to fulfill the responsibility well.

Expression: When I am responsile for something or people expect me to be answerable for something, I tend to feel heavy because of these responsibilities. With the such a feeling of having a burden, I’m not able to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my ability.

Experience: Whatever responsibilities are given to me are according to my capabilities. When I remind myself of this I’ll be able to be light and give my best to fulfill all my responsibilities.

Meditation – A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining – Part 3

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining. Today we take up:


We can take the third meaning of meditation from the Sanskrit word yoga. By understanding this word, we learn how to get divine cooperation, or put in another way, a certain external spiritual power that can liberate us and help us to dialogue positively with the self (explained yesterday). The word yoga means bringing together or joining again. Joining again with what or with whom? Firstly, with our original and eternal self: the soul, and secondly, with the eternal Supreme Source of all positive power and energy; this Source helps us to recharge ourselves with energy and to know ourselves.

At this time in the history of humanity, humans have lost the mastery and control over themselves. They do not have continual peace or a sense of purpose, happiness or fullness. The human soul needs to be recharged. Although the soul has great potential in its inner self, it needs a source of external energy for the latent (hidden) powers and virtues to emerge, just as occurs with seeds in nature. The seeds of plants and trees have their own source of inner energy. However, this energy cannot be released without the actions of an external energy source, in this case the energy of the sun. Through the power of sunlight, the seeds in the earth will sprout and flourish. The human body has its own energy, but needs external sources of energy on a daily basis: air, sunlight, water and food. Without these external sources, the human body would die. The external source of power that helps the latent virtues emerge in the human being is not physical, since the human soul is not physical either. This source of power has traditionally been called God or the Supreme Being: in fact it has been given many names.

– Message –

To be flexible is to enjoy everything that life brings.

Expression: When I plan perfectly for the day ahead, I sometimes find that I am not able to implement all that I had planned for. Things seem to be coming up unexpectedly spoiling everything for me. I am then not able to be happy with what is happening and so find it difficult to do my best in the particular situation.

Experience: It is as important to be flexible in my thoughts as it is to be particular about my daily schdule. Flexibility allows me to accommodate the unforeseen situations that come up my way and enables me to make the best use of everything. And so I enjoy everything that comes my way.

Meditation – A Process Of Cleansing, Dialogue And Joining – Part 4

Meditation can be defined as a process of cleansing, a process of dialogue and a process of joining.

Joining (cont.)

The Supreme Power is the eternal reference point for all creation, whose task is to recharge and cleanse everything. Being eternally pure and untouched by any trait of selfishness or violence, the Supreme Being is totally benevolent (kind), and through the eternal energies of love and truth is capable of recharging and filling the human soul with all the powers. Of course, each person chooses their own level of cleanliness, recharging or fullness. That personal choice will determine the resulting powers of love, peace, happiness and truth to be found in the individual.

The Supreme Being is like an eternal point of pure Light that resides in the world of eternal silence, beyond time and matter. Through concentrated thought we can reach this source of love and purity. When our mind is synchronized it takes just a second to establish communication. When we reach this place of eternal silence, the world of silent light, we focus our loving attention on the Supreme Being. If our focus is deeply concentrated we can feel the self is filled with the purest peace and love, something we have never felt before in our lives. This is yoga: rejoining the self with the Supreme Being and, in this union, we once again recall all the things of value that had been hidden. So yoga means remembering: remembering the original self, the original and eternal relationship with the Supreme Being and remembering, through experience, the true meaning of love, peace and happiness (as a result of the connection with the Supreme).

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

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अगर जीवन में सफल हाेना हैं. ताे जहाँ १० शब्दाें से काेई बात बन जाये वहा पर

१०० शब्द बाेलकर अपनी मानसिक और वाणी की ऊर्जा को नष्ट नहीं करना चाहिए॥


अगर जीवन में सफल हाेना हैं, ताे कभी भी काेई भी कार्य करें ताे पुरें मन से करे।

जीवन में सफलता आपकाे देर से ही सही लेकिन सफलता आपकाे जरुर मिलेगी॥


“अगर अपने कार्य से आप स्वयं संतुष्ट हैं, ताे फिर अन्य लोग क्या कहते हैं उसकी परवाह ना करें।”


जीवन मंदिर सा पावन हाे, बाताें में सुंदर सावन हाे।

स्वाथ॔ ना भटके पास ज़रा भी, हर दिन मानो वृंदावन हाे॥


जाे आपका आैर आपके समय के वैल्यू काे ना समझे।

उसके लिए कभी भी कार्य (Work) ना कराे॥




Purity is the foundation of true peace & happiness,

It is your most valuable Property in your life,

Preserve it at any cast. !!



पवित्रता सच शांति और खुशी का धार है.

यह पके जीवन में सबसे मूल्यवान संपत्ति है.

यह किसी भी कलाकार की रक्षा करता है!!





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Brahma Kumaris – Soul Sustenance and Message for the day !!

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..


“95+ देश के पाठकों द्वारा पढ़ा जाने वाला हिन्दी वेबसाइट है.””


Soul Sustenance 14-04-2014

Effect Of Food On The Mind – Part 1

In harmony with our great spiritual, religious and wisdom traditions, the Brahma Kumaris places great importance on food. Whilst modern science tends to take a technician’s approach and sees the molecules, chemical compounds and nutrients that feed the body; we look at a more spiritual, holistic perspective which places a sacred significance on what we eat, seeing how the food’s energy can touch, heal and nourish the soul as well. The body needs sustenance but so does the soul: we must absorb, assimilate and integrate spiritual energy as well as physical energy from our food. Practitioners of the Raja Yoga meditation, which the Brahma Kumaris teaches, are typically lacto-vegetarians (diet is a vegetarian diet which includes dairy products). They believe that non-violence is an essential characteristic of the spiritually awakened individual and that the essence of the human soul is peace, tranquility and love. If the internal workings of the soul are disturbed, by eating the wrong type of food then the individual is not able to enjoy meditative serenity (peacefulness). The meditator sees that whatever food is eaten has an effect on the mind, in a subtle form, in a similar way in which alcohol or intoxicating drugs can dramatically change our mood and power of judgment.

We shall be explaining the different types of foods tomorrow …

Message for the day 14-04-2014

To be powerful is to destroy unwanted habits.

Expression: To be powerful means to be aware of one’s own hidden powers and to use these powers in destroying old unwanted habits. It is to apply a powerful brake to the thoughts in a second, so that there is the ability to master the situation. Such a person does not fall prey to the situation but makes effort to become a destroyer of the weakness in a second.

Experience: When I am able to use my inner powers I am able to apply a brake to my thoughts in a second. I am able to finish old unwanted habits and be free from the burden of having to be with negativity. So I am able to be a master who is well equipped to face all situations in life. And I am able to be successful both in relationships and in my work.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


यदि आपके पास Hindi या English में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

95+ देश के पाठकों द्वारा पढ़ा जाने वाला हिन्दी वेबसाइट है,,

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Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 12-04-2014

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..


95+ देश के पाठकों द्वारा पढ़ा जाने वाला हिन्दी वेबसाइट है,,

Soul Sustenance 12-04-2014

Universal Concepts About The Supreme Being or God – Part 3

Continuing from yesterday’s message:

The Zoroastrians worship God as fire (Indian Zoroastrians are called Parsis).

The ancient Egyptians worshiped the sun as God.

A Buddhist sect in Japan focuses the mind on a small oval shape. They call it Karni, the Peace-giver.

The Jews have the Menorah (a candlestick or holder for many candles together) which when lit is a memory of the form of God as light.

It seems therefore that human beings, without realizing, have all been worshipping and trying to discover the same God. There is only one God and His form is light. If union between the soul and the Supreme Soul is to take place, it can only be possible if there is knowledge and experience of that form.

On the basis of our (soul and the Supreme Soul) similarities of form and place of residence, I learn from God of my own original sanskars of peace, purity, love, knowledge, power and bliss. As I tune my thoughts to Him, His influence fills these original qualities in me. He is the perfect and infinite fountain, indeed the ocean, of these qualities. His superiority lies in the depth, clarity and continuity of His divine sanskars. Whilst human souls fluctuate between peace and peacelessness; love and hatred; knowledge and ignorance; sorrow and joy, God is ever constant and above and beyond these fluctuations.

Message for the day 12-04-2014

Humility wins hearts.

Expression: The one who is humble is able to put the other person forward. Such a person recognizes, appreciates and uses the specialities of others for the success of any task. So, along with giving the best, he is also able to bring out the best in the other person too. So, he is able to do the best in any task.

Experience: When I am humble, I experience harmony in relationships. I am able to learn from the different experiences and make myself better and better each day. So, I experience success in all I do. I am also able to win the hearts of others and get good wishes from them.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


यदि आपके पास Hindi या English में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!


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“Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 25-01-2014”

KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month
KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month

95 kmsraj51 readers

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..
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Soul Sustenance 25-03-2014

Creating a Positive Atmosphere

To create a positive atmosphere at home or at office, while interacting with your family members or colleagues, emerge positive energizing thoughts in your mind like * I am a peaceful soul, child of the Supreme Soul, the ocean of peace, * I am a loveful soul, * I am a blissful soul, * I am a powerful soul, etc. These positive thoughts spread in your home and office in the form of positive vibrations and have a positive influence on your family members and colleagues also. As a result you can maintain your peaceful, positive state even amidst actions and interactions with them. When you are clearly established in this stage of self-respect (positive consciousness), they will be more co-operative in your work and will have greater respect for you. Obstacles from your surroundings will not affect you.

Message for the day 25-03-2014

True spirituality is that which makes one practical.

Expression: Usually spirituality is perceived as something that has to be kept separate from the normal daily life. But true spiritual life is that which is very practical. The one who is able to fill himself with spiritual power is able to use this power for being better and better in his practical life.

Experience: When I am able to recognize the inner beauty and am able to give myself time to be in touch with this spiritual aspect, I am able to be powerful and beyond chaos in all situations. I am able to go within to find the immense power and use it in practical situations. So I find myself being successful in practical situations.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

यदि आपके पास Hindi में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

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“Soul Sustenance & Message for the day 24-01-2014”

KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month
KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month

kmsraj51 की कलम से …..
95 kmsraj51 readers

Soul Sustenance 24-03-2014

The Two Close Companions Of Peace (A Meditation)

Sit comfortably and relax… Remind yourself of your spiritual form as a soul – a point of subtle light (non-physical light), a sparkling star, situated between the two eyebrows… Now visualize your star-like form and emerge the feelings of peace looking at this form with your mind’s eye… experience stability and contentment in this inner value of peace, peace is your own treasure… Fully let go off all your concerns, tensions and worries and allow all of yourself to become deeply peaceful… Now, feel the vibrations (energy waves) of your peaceful light form radiating outwards into the world… Be aware that the vibration of your peaceful form is like a gift… Consciously transmit this gift of peace with the pure desire of calming and relieving the stress and peacelessness of others…

As you radiate the power of your peace into the world, you do so with great love… As you give the gift of peace, with love, you are aware that you are able to serve others, reach out to others, in this invisible but extremely significant way… This awareness brings about a new sense of meaning in your life and you experience deep feelings of happiness within your heart… It is a happiness which takes the form of bliss, a bliss or satisfaction experienced as an invisible fruit received in return of unconditional serving… You realize that your peace does not live alone… True peace is that which is shared with others… it always has with it its closest companions… an experience of love and a feeling of pure happiness…

Our basic spiritual characteristics of peace, love and happiness are values that can be compared to the primary colors of the soul. While the soul can experience these values, it is only when they are mixed together (to give different shades) that they emerge though our attitudes and behaviors as virtue. Virtuous thoughts, words and actions restore balance and harmony to our inner life and to our external relationships.

Message for the day 24-03-2014

To be strong is to be free from the influence of the body.

Expression: To allow the body to influence the mind is to be doubly ill. The one who allows himself to be doubly ill is not able to deal with the illness of the body. On the other hand, the one who is powerful in the mind is able to maintain the inner strength in spite of the disease and so has the power to put in effort to finish it.

Experience: Instead of being conscious of the disease of the body, all I need to do is to maintain the consciousness of being powerful internally. Then I would not be afraid of the disease of the body but will have the courage to deal with it. I am able to see the disease as something temporary and will soon find myself rid of the illness, as I am powerful within.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

यदि आपके पास Hindi में कोई article, inspirational story, Poetry या जानकारी है जो आप हमारे साथ share करना चाहते हैं तो कृपया उसे अपनी फोटो के साथ E-mail करें. हमारी Id है::- . पसंद आने पर हम उसे आपके नाम और फोटो के साथ यहाँ PUBLISH करेंगे. Thanks!!

KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month
KMSRAJ51 Celebrate ~ Happy Anniversary!! Month

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